If the hat fits...
☢ Aspire One D257, 2GB DDR3-1333
I'll try it.
Originally Posted by coolbrook If the hat fits... ...wear it in public and pronounce "I feeeeel soooo FAAABBUUULOOOOUUUSSS!"
I've been watching the counter. Will be installing this over F11 when I get home tonight.
Code: while true; do echo -n "RiceMonster "; done Best thread ever
while true; do echo -n "RiceMonster "; done
Originally Posted by Frak ...wear it in public and pronounce "I feeeeel soooo FAAABBUUULOOOOUUUSSS!" Maybe it is more than that... Fabulastic Something so phenomenal that neither fabulous or fantastic would suffice to describe it.
I have been running it since Beta and it is the first time using a Fedora pre-release that I encountered no bugs at all. I was actually a little disappointed . Seriously this is a great time to check out Fedora as the even releases tend to be more stable than the odd ones. For example Fedora didn't include grub2 even when Ubuntu did. Pulseaudio also is better under F12 than any other release of any distro I've tried. This is also the first Fedora release to feature an LXDE spin and offer the Moblin desktop. Highly recommended .
I'm going to update my Fedora soon, the beta of 12 didn't play well with my computer.
Originally Posted by Thomas Parke D'Invilliers Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; if you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover, I must have you!" .
Not sure if too many people here are interested but it appears to be a very solid update.
..... Just one thread bellow the top - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1329374
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