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Last edited by Druke; December 13th, 2009 at 08:17 AM.
Special Thanks to Druke for posting all the links in one convenient loaction.
Live as if every day was your last Learn as if you could live forever
To further spread the Texas LoCo movement there has been a facebook page created. There are currently two pages being manned. One geared towards more the Texas LoCo and another for Linux news in general and for linux activity in texas. Here is the LoCo page : and here is the Linux in texas page: Please feel free to "Like" the pages as news and info will be flowed to these pages as the are made.
Ubuntu Christian Edition chat on irc at server: OFTC/channel: #ubuntuCE BootInfoScript DualBooting Grub Grub2 MBR/GRUB Boot Info Script courtesy of community member meierfra and ghulselmans
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