Hi guys

I am trying to write a script to monitoring script that reports the rss, pcpu and comm.

That isn't the hard part, the bit i am struggling with is;

find duplicate comm's, merge them into one adding up the cpu% use and rss use.

so far i have this:


DATE=$(date +%F)

ps -eo "rss,pcpu,comm" >> temp.txt

PROCS='cat temp.txt | grep ^PROCS= | sed 's/PROCS=//''

        for i in $PROCS ; do
                        HEAD='echo -n $HEAD$i rss,$i pcpu,'

                HEAD='echo -n $HEAD | sed "s/.$//"'

                echo "rss,pcpu,comm" >> $NAME

        for j in $PROCS ; do
                TMPPROCSTAT=`grep $j temp.txt | awk '{rss+=$1} ; {pcpu+=$2} ; END { print rss","pcpu }'`
                # if [ "$TMPPROCSTAT" = "," ] ; then
                #       TMPPROCSTAT="NA,NA"
                # fi
                PROCSTAT=`echo "$PROCSTAT$TMPPROCSTAT,"`
                PROCSTAT=`echo -n $PROCSTAT | sed "s/.$//"`
                echo $PROCSTAT >> $NAME
        rm temp.txt
I am putting the values into a csv file, adding the rss, pcpu and comm as headings, then want the info displayed below.

all i am getting as output at the moment is:

that not exact values, just an example

Any help, or a point in the right direction will be appreciated, or if anyone knows of a better way that what i am trying...