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Thread: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    From watch this mind blowing demo by rrrola.
    The mind blowing part is not the beauty or the speed, it's the complexity achieved within an extremely compact piece of code.


    Try to guess how compact this code can be made, considering it uses no 3D or other rendering libraries, it's all done with it's own rendering.

    You can download the source and binary here, if you want to have a look:

    Michael Birken comments a bit on the code here:

    Notice how rrrola reuses the setting of the graphics mode as constants, by throwing in an otherwise unneeded instructions.

    Animated 3D rendering in 256 bytes, WOW.
    Warning may contain MS bashing.

  2. #2
    pwnst*r is offline Gee! These Aren't Roasted!
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    holy crap! that's mindboggling.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    Quote Originally Posted by pwnst*r View Post
    holy crap! that's mindboggling.
    Are you a trumpet player?
    'On vacation for the week. In Yosemite National Park. A sign on the road said, “Speeding kills bears.” And all I can think is, “Who let them drive in the first place?"' -Stephan Pastis

  4. #4
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    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    I remember the old 5k website competition; somebody made a wireframe cube that's made out of ASCII characters that slowly rotates in your web browser. The entire composition took up less than 5 kilobytes.
    I try to treat the cause, not the symptom. I avoid the terminal in instructions, unless it's easier or necessary. My instructions will work within the Ubuntu system, instead of breaking or subverting it. Those are the three guarantees to the helpee.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    That's cool, even though I'm no good at programming. | Twitter
    Ubuntu + Vista | Dell Vostro 1500 | C2D 1.4GHz | 2GB | 120GB | nVidia 8400m GS

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Rochester, MN
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    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    Here's the source code. I love Assembler, and this is right at home for me:
    ; P   L   a 256-byte intro by Rrrola - final version
    ;  \ / \
    ;   U   S
    ; greets to everyone who came to Riverwash 2009
    ;%define BLOWUP 86    ; "ambient occlusion" strength (default 86: -1 byte)
    MAXSTEPSHIFT equ 6    ; shading strength (>=6 unless BLOWUP defined)
    MAXITERS     equ 26
    BASECOLOR    equ -34
    %define BLOCKS     ; render 4x1 blocks (for slower machines, +3 bytes)
      org 100h ; assume ah=bx=0 cx=255 sp=di=-2 si=100h
      mov  al,13h   ;<(byte)[100h]>>8 = 0.6875
      push bx       ; (word)[100h]>>16 = 0.0769
      mov  dx,3C8h  ; (float)[100h] = -0.0008052
      int  10h
    ;palette - 4 gradients of 32 shades
    P mov  al,bl    ;<set al on 1st pass, then each red and green
    Q test bl,cl    ; parity: eooooeoeoeee eooooeoeoeee ...
      jpe  E        ; index:  #0gb1gb2gb3g b4gb5gb6gb7g ...
      imul al
      shr  ax,7
    E imul bl
      mov  al,ah
      out  dx,al
      mov  dl,0c9h
      loop P
      mov  cl,3
      dec  bx
      jnz  Q
      push 09FCEh   ;<aligns with the screen ;-)
      pop  es
      mov  bh,56h   ; xyz addressing trick from neon_station
                    ; vecNN = (words){[5600h+N] [5656h+N] [56ACh+N]}
    ;frame loop - prepare constants
    ;ax=key bx=5600h bp=dx=0 cx=3 si=100h di=-2 sp=-4 word[5700h]=T
    M fninit                ; {} = fpu stack
      add  word[bx+si],byte 88 ; T++
      fild   word[bx+si]    ;=14.00564 * 2pi
      fsincos               ; {s=sin(T*0.00564) c=cos(T*0.00564)}
      fdiv   st1,st0        ; {s t=cotg(T*0.00564)}
      fild   word[bx+si]
      fmul   dword[si]
      fimul  word[si]       ; {r>>16=0.0769*sin(T*-0.0708) s t}
      pop  edx      ;=9B6C0000... just get rid of it
      push es
      push bp       ;dword[-4]=9FCE0000h
    ;pixel loop
    ;x = word[-3] ~ -0.5..0.5 (+= 0.003125 each column)
    ;y = word[-2] ~ -0.4..0.4 (+= 0.00390625 each row)
     %ifdef BLOCKS
      test bp,cx    ; 4x1 blocks: keep last color?
      jnz  D
      pusha ;[-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8  -6  -4  -2  ]
            ; di  si  bp  sp  bx  dx  cx  ax      yyyy
            ; FEFF0001adr FCFF005600000300col ..xxxx
    ;fisheye projection: z = C-x*x-y*y
      mov  [bx],bx ;=0.33594
    Z mov  ax,[di]
      fild   word[di]
      imul ax
      sub  [bx],dx
      dec  di
      jpo  Z        ;di=-4
      fild   word[bx]       ; {z>>16=0.33594-x*x-y*y x y r s t}
    ;advance x and y for next pixel (low word)
     %ifdef BLOCKS
      add  word[di],3334h
      add  dword[di],0000CCCDh
    ;rotate direction vector
    R fmul   st4    ; {sz x y r s t}
      fld    st0
      fmul   st6    ; {cz sz x y r s t}
      fxch   st2
      fmul   st5
      fsub   st2,st0; {sx sz cz-sx y r s t}
      fmul   st6
      faddp  st1,st0; {cx+sz cz-sx y r s t}
      fxch   st2    ; {y cz-sx cx+sz r s t}
      inc  di
      jpo  R
      dec  di       ;di=-2  ; {X Y Z r s t}
    ;advance x and y for next pixel (high word)
     %ifdef BLOCKS
      adc  word[di],cx
    ;store ray origin and direction vector
      imul dx,[bx+si],byte 10;=0.0134*T
      fistp  word[bx+di]    ; d>>16 = v-2 = {X, Y, Z}
     ;fistp dword[bx+di]    ;<slower, but fixes corners (+3 bytes)
     ;sar dword[bx+di],1
      mov  [bx],dx
      add  dh,[si]          ; o>>16 = v0 = 0.0134*T + {0, 0.6875, 0.375}
      add  bl,bh
      jnc  S        ;bl=2   ; {r s t}
    ;intersect ray with scene, count number of bounding volume misses
      cwd                   ; dx = hit(-1|0): grainy rendering
      mov  ah,-MAXITERS     ; ah = iters(-MAXITERS..0), al = hue(0..3)
     ;cwd                   ;<for smooth rendering with bands
     %ifdef BLOWUP
      mov  cx,BLOWUP*256+MAXSTEPSHIFT; cl = stepshift(0..MAXSTEPSHIFT)
      adc  cx,bx    ;=86*256 + 6 ;-)
      call I
      sub  ah,cl
      aad  4        ;ah=0
      add  al,MAXITERS*4+BASECOLOR
      mov  [di-4],ax        ; pushed ax = color = (iters-stepshift)*4 + hue
    ;draw pixel
     %ifdef BLOCKS
      mov  [es:bp+si],al
      inc  bp
      inc  bp
      mov  [es:bp+si],al
      jnz  X                ; 65536 pixels
    ;next frame: fall through on esc - ah=word[sp]=0
      in   al,60h
      dec  ax
      jnz  M        ;<assume no one presses ESC after 1 frame ;)
    ;raycasting using unbounded binary search
    ;start with the smallest step size
    ;v-2 = d = {dx, dy, dz}
    ;v0  = o = current {x, y, z} mod 1
    ;last probe was inside: halve step and go back
    ;              outside: double step and go forward
    I mov  bl,0     ;bl=0
    A mov  bp,[bx+di]       ; hit ? (o -= d>>stepshift) : (o += d>>stepshift)
      sar  bp,cl
      xor  bp,dx
      add  [bx],bp
      add  bl,bh
      jnc  A        ;bl=2
      salc          ;al=FFh
      fist   word[bx+si]    ; word[5702h] = r
    ;bounding volumes: "blow up" the scene by the current step size
      push cx
      shr  cx,cl
      add  ch,37    ; cx = hitlimit = 0.1445 + (BLOWUP >> stepshift+8)
    ;inside test
    ;green octahedra:              (|x|+|y|+|z|)/2 - 0.1445 + r < blowup
    ;orange octahedra: (|x+0.5|+|y+0.5|+|z+0.5|)/2 - 0.1445 - r < blowup
    O mov  dx,[bx+si]       ; dx = [r,-r]
      neg  word[bx+si]
    C imul bp,ax,32768      ; bp = [0.5, 0] -
      sub  bp,[bx+di]
      jns  T
      neg  bp
    T shr  bp,1
      add  dx,bp            ; v2 = |signed(bp)|/2
      mov  [bx],bp
      add  bl,bh
      jnc  C        ;bl=4   ; dx = sum(v2) + [r,-r]
      cmp  dx,cx            ; if (dx < hitlimit) hit!
      inc  ax       ;al=0,ah++
      jc   H
      mov  bl,2     ;bl=2
      jpe  O        ;al=1   ; repeat if al==0
    ;bars:  (||x|-|z|| + ||y|-|x|| + ||z|-|y||)/2 - 0.0676 < blowup
    ;bolts: (||x|-|z|| + ||y|-|x|| + ||z|-|y||)/2 - 0.1445 < blowup
      sub  dx,[bx+si]
      inc  ax       ;al=2
     ;sub  dx,bx            ;<simple bolt movement: sum(v2)-2*r-0.3359
      sub  dx,[bx+si]       ;<precise bolt movement: sum(v2)-3*r-0.375
      sub  dh,60h           ; (+3 bytes)
      imul dx,byte 13       ; if (|sum(v2)-3*r-0.375| < 0.03846)
      mov  dx,[si]          ;   dx = extra_width = 0.0769, hue = 2
      jo   B                ; else
      inc  ax       ;al=3   ;   dx = extra_width = 0, hue = 3
    B sub  bp,[bx]          ; bp = v2.zxy -
      jns  L
      neg  bp
    L add  dx,bp
      mov  bp,[bx]
      add  bl,bh
      jnc  B        ;bl=4   ; dx = sum(|signed(bp)|) + extra_width
      cmp  dx,cx            ; if (dx < hitlimit) hit!
    ;adjust step size according to the hit result
    H pop  cx       ;cf=hit
      sbb  dx,dx            ; dx = hit?-1:0
      sbb  cl,dl            ; if (hit) stepshift++
      adc  cl,dl            ; else if (stepshift > 0) stepshift--
    ;more probes?
      cmp  cl,MAXSTEPSHIFT
      jae  F                ; if (stepshift >= maxstepshift) break
      add  ah,dl            ; iters++, if (hit) iters--
      jne  I                ; if (iters >= maxiters) break
    F ret
    If I had a bean for every post in the cafe...
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming


    It is fabulous to see that there are still folks who like to make super efficient code despite all the memory and hardware available.

    Just lovely stuff.
    Jill has left these forums due to ongoing double-standards in rule enforcement.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    How would you compile it in Linux?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    Quote Originally Posted by BuffaloX View Post
    Animated 3D rendering in 256 bytes, WOW.
    What's more amazing is that this isn't even 3D rendering. It's just 2D pixels being manipulated so it looks like it is 3D. No hardware acceleration at all.
    If I had a bean for every post in the cafe...
    "Do you pine for the days when men were men and wrote their own device drivers?" - Linus Torvalds

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Puls demo: Extremely sick programming

    I'm impressed!!

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