I think the dependencies will still be there, but there are other easier ways to get rid of them.
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean
Then you can also go over to synaptic package manager and delete everything under 'residual config' (I think that is what it is called, I'm not on Ubuntu at this moment).
Then you can also download the program...
sudo apt-get install gtkorphan
You should be able to get rid of everything in the orphaned tab.

Originally Posted by
At GtkOrphan's first run, you should initialize your system in order to keep track of needed packages, even if they are reported as orphaned.
In the main window, expand the "Options" section and check the "Show all orphan packages, not only those in the libs section" checkbox. Note: with this option, GtkOrphan will report as "orphaned" all those installed packages that are not dependencies for any other. In this way, for instance, packages such as gparted, ubuntu-desktop, wine will be listed too, as they are "top-level" packages and no other package depends on them. Now you can traverse this list and right-click->hibernate each package you want to keep and that you don't want to be reported as orphaned anymore. The hibernation list will keep these files and will not show them anymore. You can access and modify the hibernation list as you want, from the View menu or from the right-click popup menu.
If you have never done this before, or have not done all this stuff in a while, you can probably free up a gig or two from your harddrive...