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Thread: can't get my permanently mounted windows share to be writable

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Unhappy can't get my permanently mounted windows share to be writable

    So I am following the advice posted at that describes how to permanently mount a Windows Share. And I can see my files but I can not write to the share.

    I have smbfs installed

    I have created a group called "mybook-public" with a group ID 1002 and put myself in this group using System>Admin>users and groups

    I have created an empty directory under the root directory on my local system "/public_on_mybook" where I am to mount my windows share.
    This folder is owned by root and is in the group "mybook-public". The owner and group have "create and delete" files privs. Others have "access files"

    My windows share is called PUBLIC and is located on my WD MyBook world edition on
    The share is accessible by a user called ROGER with a password <password>

    These credentials are saved in /home/ttguy/.smbcredentials


    now has this line in it

    //   /public_on_mybook smbfs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/ttguy/.smbcredentials,dir_mode=0775,gid=1002 0 0
    sudo mount -a
    causes the share to mount and I can see the files but if I go to save one it complains it does not have permissions to do so.

    If I access the same share using Connect to Server... then I can write to the share.

    My original fstab line followed the suggestion from here under "smbfs, group perms" where it mentions to use "dmask=775" in order for the group to get write permissions.

    ie I tried

     //   /public_on_mybook smbfs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/ttguy/.smbcredentials,dmask=775,gid=1002 0 0
    But if I mount with that command is in fstab I get this message
    WARNING: 'dmask' not expressed in octal.
    WARNING: CIFS mount option 'dmask' is deprecated. Use 'dir_mode' instead.
    Hence, I tried the fstab with dir_mode=0775 - which did not error but also did not provide write access

    Any gurus have any ideas ?
    Last edited by ttguy; September 6th, 2009 at 01:53 PM. Reason: I mean't dir_mode=0775

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: can't get my permanently mounted windows share to be writable

    You may find the last post in the thread of use.

    I have the "noauto" in my fstab which prevents automatic mounting of my XP share at startup. Obviously you change this to "auto" if you want automatic mounting when you fire up your machine.


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