Originally Posted by Tristam Green You make a lot of useless threads. Hail Petoria. There...fixed it for you. Also, YAY PETORIA!
This is a signature. It is original.
Originally Posted by 今幸福 I was just about to post my two favorite US State flags, that is one of them! I also like the Oregon flag, the only two sided state flag, I especially like the back with the beaver: I am an Oregonian but I never knew that our flag had two sides! They always show the front side of the flag. I guess I did not pay attention to it.
LibreOffice: Design/Call for Templates LibreOffice 4 Getting Started Guide
I like the Welsh (Wales = country which is part of UK) flag. I mean it's got a dragon...
The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.
It is not precisely my favorite. BUt, here is the flag of Cusco:
Last edited by ubuntu27; September 3rd, 2009 at 05:00 PM.
How to wear a flag!CanadaFlagGirl01.jpg Edit: If anyone is offended by this, let me know and I'll remove it.
Last edited by running_rabbit07; September 3rd, 2009 at 07:33 PM.
Originally Posted by sydbat There...fixed it for you. Also, YAY PETORIA! lol, half the opinions expressed in your post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Tristam Green or its affiliates. Originally Posted by running_rabbit07 How to where a flag! Not offended, but lern2spel. Also, why is the US flag Red, white, and blue? Depends on who you ask. Originally Posted by lolWikipedia Apart from the numbers of stars and stripes representing the number of current and original states, respectively, and the union with its stars representing a constellation, there is no legally defined symbolism to the colors and shapes on the flag. However, folk theories and traditions abound.
The views expressed in this post belong to Tristam Green and do not represent the views of any other entity, foreign or domestic, as long as you both shall live, Amen. OMG! Cheesecake! | Fuduntu - catch the fever!
There are two sides to every story: my side and the wrong side.
Originally Posted by Tristam Green lol, half the opinions expressed in your post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Tristam Green or its affiliates. lol. Of course one has to ask which half? hehehehe...
Originally Posted by hellmet The Indian flag also has green and orange .. Well, yes. But it's different enough from the flags of Italy and Ireland. - Horizontal bars instead of vertical. - Symbol in the middle just in case anyone confuses India for Ireland.
Acer Aspire 5050-5554 w/ 4GB RAM upgrade. Ubuntu Aug 07 - Dec 08; Arch Linux Dec 08 - July 2011; Ubuntu again since July 2011. "Triclops": Home-built AMD Athlon II X2 250, 4GB RAM, Radeon 6570, 500GB HDD. Ubuntu/Windows-XP duo since Jun 2010.
Originally Posted by Kingsley Seriously speaking, my favorite flag is Croatia's. Nice to see that someone likes my country's flag My favorite flag(for design and aesthetics) is Canada's flag. Simple colors and shape.
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