Re: What is your favorite country flag for design and aesthetics only?

Originally Posted by
You could at least point him
here so he (and others) can see both sides of the issue.
In my opinion, a good national flag is both distinct and simple.
Examples of indistinct flags: Irish flag vs Italian flag. Green, white, & orange vs green, white & red. Basically an Irish flag can look like a faded Italian flag, and an Italian flag can look like an over-dyed Irish flag. I mean no offense to either nation, just that their flags are too similar.
As for my favorite... Well, I have to admit bias towards the United States flag. Not simple, but familiar. Other than that, the flag of Japan is very simple, and highly symbolic.

The Indian flag also has green and orange ..
I was always confused between the flags of America, Britain and Australia .. What's with the blue,red and the stars/stripes?

Last edited by hellmet; September 3rd, 2009 at 04:50 PM.
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