Anyone know if there is any standard(s) on how /var/backups is to be used? It appears that aptitude and dpkg back up some files to these directories, but I'm curious what triggers a backup and how restores should be performed.
$ ls /var/backups
aptitude.pkgstates.0 dpkg.status.1.gz dpkg.status.5.gz infodir.bak
aptitude.pkgstates.1.gz dpkg.status.2.gz dpkg.status.6.gz passwd.bak
aptitude.pkgstates.2.gz dpkg.status.3.gz group.bak shadow.bak
dpkg.status.0 dpkg.status.4.gz gshadow.bak
Also, for all the .bak files, what triggers a backup? vipw/vigr usage? Something else?
Closest likely reference I could find (Debian bug 122038) seems to indicate that Debian doesn't have a policy for this directory.