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Thread: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

  1. #11
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    Jul 2008

    Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

    Quote Originally Posted by ghindo View Post
    Hey, Portland, OR has a pretty great light rail system (which is continuing to grow), and Seattle just opened up their first light rail line. I think if anything we may be witnessing a rebirth of light rail in the United States.
    The rise in gas prices last year-KILLED the already pathetic bus service well as other areas.
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  2. #12
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    Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation


    I didn't intend to sound harsh, but the reality of using the system is different for each rider, dependant upon their needs. Someone else could very well have a joyful experience, I'm sure.
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  3. #13
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    Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

    Quote Originally Posted by hansdown View Post

    I didn't intend to sound harsh, but the reality of using the system is different for each rider, dependant upon their needs. Someone else could very well have a joyful experience, I'm sure.
    I made my evaluation only as a visitor not living there, so admittedly it may have been bias and maybe skewed.

    The rest of the entries are developed from sources.
    Last edited by HappinessNow; July 25th, 2009 at 10:21 PM.
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  4. #14
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    Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

    I live in a small town, and indeed I try my best to use only HPV. In fact I do not even have a license yet (I'm 19, most get one at 14), I don't find good purpose for one at this point in my life. However cars are needed often, sadly though. It would indeed be nice if we could reshape our society to not rely upon the almighty automobile so flipping much though.

  5. #15
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    Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

    My wife and I did get rid of our car two years ago, and it's been great, but I have to disagree with your list of cities with great public transportation:
    San Francisco
    Portland, Oregon
    Washington, DC
    New York, NY
    Boston, Massachusetts
    Chicago, Illinois
    Portland does, indeed, have great public transit. But San Francisco and Boston definitely do not.

    By the way, HPV can lead to cervical cancer.

  6. #16
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    Talking Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

    I live in Mexico there is a saying here if there is a road there is a bus. With that I will say that the Grayhound buses that I have seen in the U.S would not even make second class buses here in Mexico. Here I can go any where in the country on a bus. Because of my age I don't like ridding them for more then 8 hours a day. And I do take taxis for short trips, like from the bus station to the hotel.

  7. #17
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    Re: Human-powered vehicles and/or Mass transit as primary form of transportation

    Quote Originally Posted by aysiu View Post
    My wife and I did get rid of our car two years ago, and it's been great, but I have to disagree with your list of cities with great public transportation: Portland does, indeed, have great public transit. But San Francisco and Boston definitely do not.
    Based on your input I will remove San Francisco and Boston, unless we hear other wise.

    Congratulations on living a car free life!

    Quote Originally Posted by aysiu View Post

    By the way, HPV can lead to cervical cancer.
    LOL!...that it does!
    "Mind what you have learned. Save you it can." ~ Yoda

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