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Thread: I lost a big project backup

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Lyon, France
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: I lost a big project backup

    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Edgell View Post
    But if I were looking for a backup file in future, would I end that line with:
    2009.abw*.bak~." ? [do I have the *.bak~." right?]
    "*" means any character, or none (it's a shell glob, like in DOS, if you ever used that). It would be simpler and safer to use "*2009.abw*" to match against anything containing the string "2009.abw" anywhere in the file name. If you're looking for "any backup file", since the string "bak" is relatively uncommon except for backup files, you can use something like

    find ~ -name "*bak*"
    Last edited by Mornedhel; July 2nd, 2009 at 10:47 PM. Reason: finding baks
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  2. #22
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    Re: I lost a big project backup

    Oh, Mornedhel...I see some light. Ah, yes, I "found" all the bak files--they were in the trash, but of course. I had sent them there. As I said earlier, I wished I had cleaned that up correctly when I found all my new work ON a backup, and continued to work there. As someone said, next time I opened it, it reverted to the original and the bak disappeared. Maybe, n...o that OP pretty much said it was gone.

    Anyway, I then went and "found all the files that ended in 2009.abw...
    Thanks for the light!!!!

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    West Hills CA
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    Re: I lost a big project backup

    The trash can is a safety net. You put files there and keep them a while until you empty the trash can. Only after you empty the trash can do the files really disappear.

    Keep notes of these mysterious linux commands. You will use them again.

    find ~ -name *.abw
    find ~ -name *.bak

    The permission denied is OK. It means only root (administrator) can find those files.
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