The path is clogged with repetitions
Hardy Huron 8.04 (I think that's right).
I have worked around many unsolved glitches with this computer...but in the meantime I have never really learned to open a new folder. Now I need to be able to sort through it all. I have paths that read like: home>Chris>desktop>poetry>desktop>poetry. It loops and loops. Is there an easy explanation to this system as opposed to how easy it was with Microsoft? I feel like the eternal beginner...
I've tried to study the gnome learning manual but it doesn't seem straightforward about opening a new file folder and dragging and dropping individual documents into the new folder and doing away with all the repetition.
Any sites will be read and studied, I just can't seem to find what I need.
It's not so much about weathering the storm as it is about learning to dance in the rain.