Association problems
Hey folks: I use Kubuntu 8.04.02 and have 3 minor associaton problems I can't quite fix.
#1 When for example I turn on my external harddrive, Dolphin pops up. This is especially bad, when I have like 3 or 4 flash drives, and the external drive all plugged in, and start the sytsem * bang * I have that many dolphins running (swimming?) at once. How can I stop this for good?
#2 I can't quite stop the programs from using Konqueror. Some follow the rules and use Firefox, but still some pop up Konqueror. I once took out Konqueror, but of course programs then started complaining.
#3: I want to use VCL for any video file, but nothing I've done will make programs default to VCL when I click on a movie file. They all revert to the default which doesn't work half-the-time.
Is there a low-level config file that I can write to, that ALL programs must follow regardless?
- Kc
Kevin C. Redden
kredden@maysville-21921- (DOT) com
(remove the -21921- to e-mail me)