Hello all, I have a very minor issue that I hope someone might be able to address. While further exploring my install of ubuntu 9.04 and several graphic packages (which I just have to say are so much more advanced than anything Windows can offer) I clicked on Universal Access Preferences option under applications and when I exited out of the app the icon still remains in my top bar. I am unable to remove it, even after a restart. Can I maybe remove this or turn it off via the command line? Or is there something I am just overlooking.Simply selecting the close button does not take care of it. Thanks for any help!
You can remove it by right clicking on the Ubuntu logo on the panel and selecting edit menus. If that doesn't help you then refer to this thread: http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1013344
Last edited by Tipped OuT; May 30th, 2009 at 06:25 PM.
Thank you Tipped OuT!
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