I upgraded to Jaunty about a week ago. Things were going great but today I find the applications menu doesn't drop down or open. I've rebooted, removed the menu from the panel and put it back again but when I click on it nothing happens. I've looked in preferences to see if something was able to get the menu to open but so far no luck. Also how can I access the command line without the use of this menu? Thanks ahead of time..
Also when I right click on the application menu icon to edit the menu nothing happens. I googled this problem and editing the menu was mentioned.. no luck in editing it either..
alt-f2 and enter gmenu-simple-editor to load the menu editor
"How did it get so late so soon" To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
tried alt f2 nothing happened. Tried ctr-alt-f7, no joy either..
I've gone into the systems, preferences, main menu, click on it and nothing happens.. this must have something to do with the problem.
try pressing alt-f2 and entering gnome-terminal, or try ctrl-alt-f1 to get into a full screen shell (ctrl-alt-f7 to return to gui) no idea what's happened to your menus tho
Ok I forgot I had a shortcut to the terminal on my desktop so I have access to it for any sort of commands that may help me edit my main applications menu or any other magic the CLI can do.
Try this gedit ~/.config/menus/applications.menu to get to your menu file. if gedit doesn't work, use nano instead.
did that command and here is it's output: <!DOCTYPE Menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/menu-spec/menu-1.0.dtd"> <Menu> <Name>Applications</Name> <MergeFile type="parent">/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu</MergeFile> <Menu> <Name>Internet</Name> <Exclude> <Filename>openjdk-6-javaws.desktop</Filename> <Filename>pidgin.desktop</Filename> <Filename>ia32-sun-java6-javaws.desktop</Filename> <Filename>tsclient.desktop</Filename> </Exclude> </Menu> <Menu> <Name>Other</Name> <Exclude> <Filename>wine-Programs-Microsoft Streets & Trips.desktop</Filename> </Exclude> </Menu> </Menu> Now what?
I have no idea how to edit the text in the applications menu that the terminal has brought up. I've done a reboot into older kernels, system check, installed a new program to see if it would turn up in the applications menu.. nothing has worked. I've gone to the url listed in the output from the terminal in the last post and I see there might be a solution there some day, some way, I guess I will have to open apps with the terminal for now until I can get a way to get the edit menu feature working again.. and bring back a drop down menu. Life goes on.. acceptance is key ..
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