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Thread: SVN Server How-to

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    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    San Diego, CA

    SVN Server How-to

    I set up an SVN server in Debian 4.0 but all of the instructions here should be identical in Ubuntu. I had to use a lot of sources for this and thought it would be good to have it all in one place in case anyone else wants to attempt this in the future. The SVN server here uses Apache and WebDAV so it will create a web interface to the repository as well as access from a shell. Also, there is a section where you can set the server to allow anonymous read-only access if you choose as well as a short primer on common SVN client commands from a shell.

    How To Get SVN server running in Debian

    All of these commands were executed as root but I don't know if that's necessary for all of them.

    1. Login as root.
    2. Download packages.
    apt-get install apache2 libapache2-svn subversion subversion-tools
    3. Create an SSL certificate. Answer all the questions it asks.
    4. Create a new Apache configuration. Name it whatever you want (I am using the name 'ssl' below).
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
    cp default ssl
    5. Create a symlink to ssl.
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
    ln -s ssl /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl
    6. Modify /etc/apache2/ports.conf.
    cd /etc/apache2
    vi ports.conf
    Add the line
    Listen 443
    7. Modify /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl to use port 443 instead of port 80. My config file reads:

    	NameVirtualHost *:443
    	<VirtualHost *:443>
    		LoadModule ssl_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
    		SSLEngine On
    		SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem
    8. Restart Apache
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    9. Check that https works in a web browser.
    https://hostname (should display an "It works!" message)
    10. Create a repository. I'm using /home/svn/ as the base directory and repo1 as the repository. You can change those.
    cd /home
    mkdir svn
    cd svn
    vi test (put something like "test" in this file and save it with `:wq' command)
    su www-data
    svnadmin create /home/svn/repo1
    svn import /home/svn/test file:///home/svn/repo1/test -m "Test."
    11. Restart Apache.
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    12. Modify /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl to add location of repository.
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available
    vi ssl
    At the bottom of the file (but above </VirtualHost>) add in the lines:
    		<Location /svn/repo1>
    			DAV svn
    			SVNPath /home/svn/repo1
    			AuthType Basic
    			AuthName "Repository 1"
    			AuthUserFile /home/svn/repo1/.dav_svn.passwd
    			Require valid-user
    12a. To enable anonymous users to have read-only access use the following instead:
    		<Location /svn/repo1>
    			DAV svn
    			SVNPath /home/svn/repo1
    			AuthType Basic
    			AuthName "Repository 1"
    			AuthUserFile /home/svn/repo1/.dav_svn.passwd
    				Require valid-user
    13. Add the first user.
    su www-data -c "htpasswd -c -m /home/svn/repo1/.dav_svn.passwd username1"
    14. Add additional users. Be careful not to have the -c flag inside the quotes. That would erase any previous users entered.
    su www-data -c "htpasswd -m /home/svn/repo1/.dav_svn.passwd username2"
    su www-data -c "htpasswd -m /home/svn/repo1/.dav_svn.passwd username3"
    15. You should be able to checkout the repository now. The server is "https://hostname/svn/repo1". See below for common SVN client commands.

    16. Additional repositories are created using steps 10 - 14.

    Common SVN Commands
    Get latest code:
    svn up
    See the log file:
    svn log | less
    The | means pipe the output of svn log to less. less just prints the output to the terminal. Combining the two commands will print the output of svn log to a terminal.

    Check the status of the local files:
    svn st
    This shows which files have been modified locally.

    Commit changes:
    svn ci -m “Message goes here.”
    When using just a short message to describe changes.
    svn ci -F logmsg
    Where logmsg is a text file describing the changes made.

    To see the differences between local code and checked in code:
    svn diff | less
    To check out the latest code:
    To check out a specific directory only:
    Check out an older revision of a specific directory:
    For example, to get revision 51 of subdir/ directory

    To set ignore property on a directory for a specific filename extension:
    svn pedit svn:ignore .
    That will open up a text editor like vi with a file. Then to ignore all *.jpg files put in that file:
    Save it (it's okay to just use the default filename) and exit.

    To set ignore property on a directory for a specific file:
    svn pedit svn:ignore .
    That will open up a text editor like vi with a file. Then to ignore the specific file x.pdf file put in that file:
    Save it (it's okay to just use the default filename) and exit. The ignore property allows you to have files in a directory but SVN knows that you don't want to commit them. This is especially useful when you have lots of large images in a directory and you don't want to take up server space or have to download those files every time you check out the repository.
    Last edited by Thomas_SD; December 12th, 2009 at 12:41 AM. Reason: Adding directions for SVN ignore properties.


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