Yeah this sucks. I usually use xsane, which still works. But since my post on March 5th, "simple-scan" no longer works. Similar to other reports, clicking "scan" causes the scanner to move around a little, then gives up and says "Failed to scan". In the meantime, please use "xsane" image scanner (it's more complicated to use, but at least it works). I'm not sure why simple-scan would stop working, yet xsane still works ... they should theoretically use the same command sequences...
I was just in the process of writing a somewhat ranty post about Canon and how crap their support is and that I still couldn't get the scanner to work, even after trying the steps in this thread multiple times. I tried running gksudo xsane once and that didn't work. I tried it a second time for a bit of a laugh, just before I posted my post, and amazingly, it worked!
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Hi! I just registered to say thanks. Followed the steps on dli8ilb post and I finally can scan on Ubuntu Thanks dli8ilb!
Last edited by codebirth; July 30th, 2011 at 10:43 AM.
I want to echo codebirth's comments Having previously got this all working under 10.10 I did a complete pc rebuild and at the same time upgraded to 11.10. Followed the steps on dli8ilb post (again) and it all works for me - even using SimpleScan (which I confess to liking ..) Thanks (again). I actually do a serious amount of scanning using this thing. Very very occasionally the scanner hangs halfway and I can't bring it back using SimpleScan. I usually power off/on on the scanner and then run scanimage -T in a terminal - and this seems to resolve the issue Stress it seems to happen very rarely.
I tried it for a Canoscan LiDE 100 under ubuntu 12.04.1. I even went so far as updating the 40-libsane.rules . (the LiDE 100 has device id 1904 instead of id 1905.) however, it still fails. same results in simplescan and gscan2pdf---failed to scan and IO error, respectively. xsane works, however. /iaw
This still works in 2013 with ubuntu 12.10. This is the first time I've ever done any coding in the terminal and now I can scan. Thank you!!
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