Hello Ubuntu Cymru, why not tell us a little bit about yourselves? Here we can perhaps learn a little more about our fellow members. I'll start ! Alright many of you will know me as Chris, ianto (from IRC) or even just Swift. I am from the deepest darkest Southern valleys of Wales and I am still in college for those who are interested in the IRL me. I have been in Ubuntu Cymru from the start as one of the founding members and have really tried pushing our little LoCo more out into the Ubuntu and indeed Welsh communities out there on the net and IRL. So who am I? I don't know how to answer that one but maybe my wiki will shed some light on it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chris or then again perhaps not . If you want to add anything to my bio feel free but lets see who/what we have lurking around in here then!
Hi all I'm Tony Pursell. You will find all my links on launchpad https://launchpad.net/~ajpursell There is not a lot on my Wiki page, so I'll fill you in a bit. I'm at the other end of the age range to Chris, approaching my retirement. I worked in IT for almost 35 years, mostly in software development and support, until a few years ago when I was made redundant (for the third time!). Then I spent five years as an administrative Civil Servant in the Pension Service before finally retiring. So IT is just a hobby for me now. I enjoy answering questions on Launchpad, when I have time. I have had Ubuntu dual booted on my desktop since Warty. I've Ubuntu on my two EEEPCs and on an Acer Aspire Revo attached to my TV. In my IT career I started working with Unix back in 1983. I've worked a lot with databases (Informix, Ingres, MS SQL Server and Access) using a lot of different Unixes and Microsoft platforms. My first Linux was Slackware (CLI only on a 486). Cheers Tony
Last edited by TonyPursell; June 27th, 2011 at 10:27 PM.
Hi, my names Kevin (kn100 from IRC) I live in the South of Wales, and i am 16, still in secondary education. I am attempting to learn Python and yeah.
Hey, I'm Aled, or Skyrail most other places online. I reside in North Wales although will probably move out nearer the end of this year to go to uni. At this very moment in time I don't have a proper 'physical' instllation of linux available to me, I do however have numerous virtual machines I test on. I don't know if I'll get active on these here forums as I don't use ubuntu daily, I can help with the little bits I do know, but I do lean towards Debian and more recently ArchLinux. Either way I'll do what I can
I'm Mark, I'm from Pontypool, I run a cafe and enjoy my computer and internet in my spare time. My first computer was an Atari, which I used to complete my BTEC Business Studies. At the time Windows/DOS wasn't a lot better than STOS but we all know which OS won that particular battle. Of course when I bought my first pc it came with Windows. However, whenever I could, I've always used OpenSource software as the arguments for and against were decisive for me. OpenOffice reduced my dependance on Windows as did Mozilla. Then I heard tell of an OS you could run off a CD!! the first iteration of UBUNTU I obtained was DapperDrake, but it didn't run brilliantly on my Dell. So several months,maybe years went by, increasingly becoming more frustrated by the bloatware that was taking up so much of my hard drive. I then discovered a BIOS update for my Dell allowed me to use 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon, I was impressed. So now I'm on a new laptop with Jaunty installed and the only OS on there. Not everything worked out of the box, but I'm getting there. So I'm here now and if I can help anyone I will but for the mo' I'm a newbie but at least I'm a 100% newbie! lol
Hi Everyone I'm Ralph, Nrrd on IRC and djnrrd as a login most other places. I've been using Ubuntu since Breezy Badger (Or possibly Warty Warthog, I forget) and went 100% Linux then (after mucking about with Red Hat, Gentoo and BSDs on dual boots) I code a bit in PHP, and can fake it in Python (Aiming to learn more) and I'm already in the process of getting my first bug included in Ubuntu.
Hi, My name's Mark, I'm from Bangor in North Wales and apart from spending 4 years in England i've lived in Wales all my life, and will be a student at Bangor University. I'm fairly new to ubuntu, but my main aim is to help with translating, as I am a very good linguist, as well as helping with accessibility, as i have a congenital nystagmus, and cerebral palsy. I'm either welshdragon or markgajones on irc, find me on #ubuntu-cym.
Hello all. My name is Ben Tullis. I've been a Linux user for about ten years and happily, I now work with it full time. Technically, most of my professional involvement is with Debian, but this Macbook Pro is running Ubuntu and as long as it's based on debs, it's fine with me. My employer is Tiger Computing, who are based very near Monmouth and personally, I live in Abergavenny. At the moment I'm learning Welsh and loving it, having moved here from England about three months ago.
Hi all. I live in Torfaen in the valleys, and did biology at Cardiff Uni. I've picked at learning Welsh from time to time, but never seem to manage to keep at it! Soon I'll be abandoning Windows completely, when I upgrade my desktop. I'll also have it on a VPS soon. I'm into ethical issues, natural history and film photography (I've got darkroom equipment at home). Oh, and computers . I tweet rubbish at http://twitter.com/stevesmith1983. Steve
Rydw i newydd ymuno heno a fy enw yw Arfon ac rwy'n byw ger Caernarfon. I Have just joined tonight and my name is Arfon and I live near Caernarfon. I have an Acer Aspire One Netbook with the Ubuntu Remix which I have just loaded after having a lot of trouble with Limpus . I find Ubuntu to work much better on my netbook. Mae gen i Ubuntu Cymraeg ar y rhwydlyfr (os mai dyna yr enw am Netbook!!)
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