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Thread: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    I've installed Ubuntu 9.04 64 bits on my XPS M1330 laptop (this Dell model have some known issues with the nVidia graphics processor).

    I have this problem: when rebooting or shutting down, the screen would show some vertical lines, similar to the ones tha appeared when my system started having issues with the nVidia graphics chip sometime ago (sorry I didn't take a picture, I'll try to get one). The lines appear when the system is just about to finish rebooting or shutting down.

    I notice these video artifacts after enabling the nVidia restricted driver, they don't appear when it's disabled.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Last edited by GeoMX; April 26th, 2009 at 03:00 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    What version is your driver?
    I am an indie game developer and freelance programmer.
    My main device is a Mac, but I like to dual boot Ubuntu on my Windows laptop.

  3. #3
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    Dec 2005

    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    I tried the nvidia-glx-180 package.
    Thinking about it, I'll try a previous version, I didn't have any issues with Ubuntu 8.10 and the previous nvidia package (173, if I'm correct). Also, this is the first time I'm trying the 64 bit version.


    Just tried nvidia-glx-173, same issues. Disabled them and no problem . I'd like to find out whether it's a driver issue (some bugs or problems with the 64 bit version) or some sympthoms of the nVidia issues appearing again (last time I had the motherboard replaced since the nVidia chip is soldered to it) .
    Guess no "fancy effects" nor graphics intensive applications (I'm planning on doing some OpenGL programs) while I can find it out.

    Any information/advice will be appreciated, thanks.
    Last edited by GeoMX; April 26th, 2009 at 09:58 PM.
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  4. #4
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoMX View Post
    I tried the nvidia-glx-180 package.
    Thinking about it, I'll try a previous version, I didn't have any issues with Ubuntu 8.10 and the previous nvidia package (173, if I'm correct). Also, this is the first time I'm trying the 64 bit version.


    Just tried nvidia-glx-173, same issues. Disabled them and no problem . I'd like to find out whether it's a driver issue (some bugs or problems with the 64 bit version) or some sympthoms of the nVidia issues appearing again (last time I had the motherboard replaced since the nVidia chip is soldered to it) .
    Guess no "fancy effects" nor graphics intensive applications (I'm planning on doing some OpenGL programs) while I can find it out.

    Any information/advice will be appreciated, thanks.

    Hey everybody... I have the same problem, ubuntu 9.04 64bit, i tried 3 drivers for nvidia, 173, 180.44 and 180.51 (the later is downloaded from nvidia website) and the problem presists...
    And yes this problem wasn't there in ubuntu 8.10...

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    It is just a heat problem...nothing to do... same with my m1330 with 8400gs, motherboard allready change 4 times. Nothing to do, Nvidia 8400gs is a f**cking graphic cheap with heat problem.
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  6. #6
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    I know the nVidia chip suffers from overheating
    But, in this case, why the artifacts appear only when using the nVidia restricted drivers? That's what annoys me, does it mean using these drivers will damage my system? Or can I safely use them?
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  7. #7
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    Same problem here on a Dell M1330. When using the NVidia drivers I also get artifacts when shutting down or rebooting 9.04 64-bit.
    Nice detail is that my motherboard has been replaced yesterday because of artifacts first only appearing in Linux (on reboot) and when time progressed in the last two weeks they also showed up during normal work and in Windows sessions (games). Did not see the relation between 9.04 and the artifacts earlier. Just thought it was the well known heat problem. Maybe it is, but 9.04 is causing (accelerating) it in my case. Switching to Windows running heavy graphic dependend games doesn't cause artifacts with my new motherboard anymore. Switching back to Ubuntu (and rebooting from Ubuntu) makes them appear again. Switching to the "free" non-Nvidia drivers fixes the heat problem.

    A warning: Ubuntu 9.04 with the NVidia drivers can kill your M1330. When you see artifacts, quickly turn off your notebook. It can fry your hardware. The M1330 has proven to be crappy hardware.

    Anyone with the same experiences on 32-bit?
    Last edited by pattuxio; May 6th, 2009 at 07:23 AM.

  8. #8
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    I've been avoiding using Ubuntu with the nVidia restricted drivers for now, I'll try the 32 bit version when possible and update here.

    We are all running the 64 bit version, guess the 32 bit version does not suffer of this?
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  9. #9
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoMX View Post
    We are all running the 64 bit version, guess the 32 bit version does not suffer of this?
    Sorry but 32 bit Jaunty also suffers from this. I'm using the 173.14.16 driver from the Ubuntu repos and I have the same issue when shutting down or rebooting my 32 bit Jaunty.

  10. #10
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    Re: Screen artifacts when shutting down in Ubuntu 9.04 with nVidia restricted drivers

    Quote Originally Posted by TomGier View Post
    Sorry but 32 bit Jaunty also suffers from this. I'm using the 173.14.16 driver from the Ubuntu repos and I have the same issue when shutting down or rebooting my 32 bit Jaunty.
    I've just confirmed this, the 32 bit version has the same problem .
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