Here's a mirror I found have all the 9.04 download links !!! (there could be many other working mirror beside this) Enjoy
Last edited by Jags_FL; April 23rd, 2009 at 11:42 AM.
hobbyist | enthusiast Windows 7 | Linux Mint 11 | Registered Ubuntu User #30240
Seems to be just the torrents
Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk Seems to be just the torrents nah, it has links for all the ISOs. In fact, I just downloaded Desktop Live-CD at 1.2 MBytes/s... was done in few minutes (Thanks FiOS!)
Here are 2 screenshots of the open mirror displaying different ISOs with timestamps ...
The timestamp on the ISO that is orange in your screenshot says the 20th
Thanks! I am downloading it using the torrent.
Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk The timestamp on the ISO that is orange in your screenshot says the 20th yes those seems to be last/FINAL ISOs as there was no daily build after Apr-20. (which can be seen here )
I'm willing to bet there have been changes in the past 2 days You can always compare the torrent file to your ISO file, and see if it's correct
I think usually the files are put on the mirror a couple of days before the release, but they are kind of hidden until the release day.
Still no UNR torrent, and it's the largest file (~947MB). Why?
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