Re: Rip CDs to mp3 at 320 kbps
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Hi Bill,
I just installed abcde but I can't find it any where. It's not even in Applications > Sound & Video. Is abcde a command-line only program?
Yah it's CLI only. This web page is the best HOWTO on setting it up and editing the .abcde.conf file to meet your needs.
You can edit the conf file by hitting alt +F2 and then gedit .abcde.conf
Once you get is configured; put a CD in the drive and from the terminal type: abcde and it will look up the cd and ask you a couple of questions and your off! I run two encoders at same time, which of course makes it faster, by putting
in the .abcde.conf file.
Believe me, once you get it configured you'll love it. Great little program.
Ubuntu 10.04-Server: HP Pavilion: AMD Athlon 3200; 2gb RAM; GeForce4 MX - nForce; 160gb HDD; 1TB eSATA External HDD | Ubuntu 10.04: Dell D600; Intel Pentium M 1600 MHz; 2gb RAM; ATI Radeon 9000 (RV250); 60gb HD | Ubuntu User #24614