Jaunty Jackalope aka 9.04 is going to be released on the 23rd of April. And if this is not a good enough excuse for you to party... it is going to be the tenth release of Ubuntu! Come join us all for the Ubuntu festivities on the 25th of April in Dublin. The Irish Ubunteros will first meet for lunch at 1.30pm at Jimmy Chung's 8 Eden Quay, and then cross the river Liffey and make themselves comfortable in Messrs Maguire on Burgh Quay, near O'Connell Bridge, from 3pm. Demos of Ubuntu 9.04, conversations about Ubuntu, GNU/Linux, and FOSS to be expected as well as general socializing and putting names to faces. Looking forward to celebrating the latest release of Ubuntu with you all! for maps go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/JauntyReleaseParty
My Blog | Irish Ubuntu Community Registered Linux User #401535 | Registered Ubuntu User #13516
Dammit I'll be in college
Originally Posted by Rafadagaffer Dammit I'll be in college Just pop in after college then, we might still be there
Ill be there in spirit.
Jaunty is phenomenal
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