Dave Yates of the Lotta Linux Links podcast is getting ready to host the SELF (South East Linux Fest). So far the sponsorships are going pretty well. You can find out more information here : http://wiki.southeastlinuxfest.org/index.php/Main_Page and here : http://southeastlinuxfest.org/ Hope to see you there!
Hello! I'm speaker coordinator for the Southeast Linuxfest ... found this by backtracking referral links. So -- can we add the Ubuntu NC LoCo to our list of supporting LUGs? All that entails is that you support what we're doing and encourage members to attend.
Im not to far from South Carolina and im never been to anything linux except on my computer but I might check it out
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This looks neat. I hope I can attend. Running it by household 6 right now. Not sure what we have planned that weekend. But $50 and 250 miles from Pinehurst, that isn't bad at all! /em crosses fingers
Sounds good to me too. I don't thing I can go, but I'll try.
The SouthEast LinuxFest is free to attend; the $50 option will get you a t-shirt in return for helping us make the event happen. Register today
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