View Poll Results: Which Ubuntu flavor does your Brother MFC serve?

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  • Fiesty Fawn (testing)

    38 37.62%
  • Edgy Eft (6.10)

    56 55.45%
  • Dapper Drake (6.06.x)

    14 13.86%
  • Breezy Badger (5.10)

    0 0%
  • Hoary Hedgehog (5.04)

    0 0%
  • Warty Warthog (4.10)

    0 0%
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Thread: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Exclamation HOWTO: Install the Brother MFC210C

    A "how to" for the Brother MFC-210C printer.

    If you want a more current thread, then click
    this link: MFC210C

    * Author no longer uses the MFC-210C printer.
    * This POST is NOT "up-to-date" (though answers are provided by kind forum members).
    * Continue at your own risk.

    INK CARTRIDGE SAYS EMPTY? Click here: BlackTape

    Many people monitor this thread. Delete this one if you so choose. However, some people are getting their questions answered.

    MFC-215C?Matchless has worked very hard at putting together two tutorials to help you with your 215C:

    Edgy & Feisty-specific instructions added, courtesy of magean.
    INSTALL SCRIPTS for DAPPER DRAKE and EDGY EFT/FEISTY FAWN (What works for Edgy... works for Feisty).
    [Click here] A big thanks goes to guitara and googleninja for their hard work and dedication.
    Follow this step-by-step guide to get this low-cost Multi Function Centre working.

    Do you have another Brother product? Don't give up hope. Some have reported success having followed this tutorial (see a partial list at the bottom of this post).

    Note: This tutorial assumes:

    • Device: Brother MFC210C
    • Connection: USB direct from PC to Printer
    • System: 32-bit Intel/AMD
    • Operating System: GNU/Linux Ubuntu (Dapper Drake/Edgy Eft/Feisty Fawn)
    About the color codes
    * Edgy Eft/Feisty Fawn (6.10 & 7.04)-specific instructions are in green.
    * Dapper Drake (6.06.1)-specific instructions are in blue.
    * Standard black text will be used where it applies to all.
    * Breezy, Hoary, Warty: not supported.

    Preliminary procedures

    Create a folder on the desktop and name it mfc210c. Put all downloaded files in that folder.

    Step 1: Download from Brother

    [The CUPS wrapper]
    [The LPR Driver]

    For other Brother machines:
    Please make sure the appropriate drivers are downloaded. Check the Brother website for
    LPR Drivers and
    CUPS Wrappers.

    Step 2: Install the C Shell

    sudo aptitude install csh
    If this step fails because it returns the following error:
    E: Couldn't find package csh
    follow the Ubuntu Guide instructions on How To Add Extra Repositories.


    Step 3: LPR Driver Install

    sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd
    sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd/MFC210C (replace with your printer name)
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/mfc210clpr-1.0.2-1.i386.deb

    Step 4: Install the CUPS Wrapper

    sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/cupsys /etc/init.d/cups
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/cupswrappermfc210c_1.0.0-1_i386.deb


    Please follow these steps. From the menu bar click:

    System → Administration → Printing

    Right-click the MFC210C and click “Properties”

    • Connection Tab: Ensure local printer is connected (Printer Type: Local Printer) and (Use a Detected Printer: Brother MFC-210C)
    • General Tab: Here I rename 'MFC210C' to 'Brother Printer'. Let's the whole family know the printer they're selecting.
    • Paper Tab: Ensure your local paper size is selected.
    • Advanced Tab: Review the choices and make appropriate adjustments.
    • From any tab: Click "Print a test page" to confirm all works well.

    Edgy/Feisty: (thanks Magean)
    If you got the error message
    lpadmin:Unable to copy PPD file
    when installing the Wrapper do the following:

    Find out the device url
    lpinfo -v
    Read and "remember" the device url

    (for example)
    Find the name and path of the ppd file
    ls /usr/share/cups/model
    Read and remember the filename

    (for example)
    Administer the printer
    sudo lpadmin -p (printer name) -E -v (device url) -P (PPD file path and name)
    (for example)
    sudo lpadmin -p MFC210C -E -v usb://Brother/MFC-210C -P /usr/share/cups/model/brmfc210c_cups.ppd
    All done!

    For printer options turn your browser of choice to
    (this requires local access)

    Fax Printing
    To print using the fax capabilities of the MFC the drivers must be downloaded and installed. This tutorial assumes the mfc210c folder is still on the desktop.

    Step 1: Download from Brother

    [The Fax CUPS wrapper]
    [The Fax LPR Driver]



    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/brmfcfaxlpd-1.0.0-1.i386.deb
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/brmfcfaxcups-1.0.0-1.i386.deb


    System → Administration → Printing

    Right-click the BRFAX and click “Properties”

    • Connection Tab: Ensure local printer is connected (Printer Type: Local Printer) and (Use a Detected Printer: Brother MFC-210C -- If the printer is still off this step will be impossible to complete.)
    • General Tab: Here I rename 'BRFAX' to 'Brother Fax Machine'. Let's the whole family know which printer they're selecting.
    • Paper Tab: Ensure your local paper size is selected.
    • Advanced Tab: Review the choices and make appropriate adjustments. I use FINE for Quality.

    Click "Close". This box will not allow direct printing.

    Sending a Fax
    Thanks to Matchless for untangling this mess. "This printer is not used to print faxes directly. It is used by the 'brpcfax' utility script file. To send a fax, you must use the “brpcfax” utility to process your print jobs and you can only use a postscript file."
    Let's use GEdit to set this up.
    Applications → Accessories → Text Editor
    • Type some text into Text Editor. (It's not necessary that it be important text. The file doesn't have to be faxed for this to work.)
    • From the menu bar click File → Print...
    • Under the Print tab click "Generic Postscript" as your printer selection.
    • Change "Location" from "lpr" to "File". This will let us print to file.
    • Click the "Save As" button to the right of "File" (it appears only when you select "File").
    • Name the file For Save In Folder choose Desktop (for convenience only—delete the file when you're done).
    • Click the Save button.
    • Click the Print button.

    Your document has been saved as file to your Desktop. Now let's finish Step 2.
    • Right-click the file on your Desktop. In the context menu point to "Open With >". In the flyout menu click "Open with Other Application"
    • When the "Open With" box appears, click "Use a custom command at the bottom near the Cancel button. A small text field should appear.
    • Enter this into that field: /usr/bin/brpcfax
    • Complete the task by clicking Open.

    This should cause the Dial Pad to appear. You can close it as we're finished with it for the moment.

    From this point forward this is how to send a fax:

    a) Use “Print to file” from your application to generate a postscript file.
    b) Right click the file (should end in .ps) and select “Open with” and click “brpcfax”.
    c) When the dialup screen GUI comes up, enter fax number and click Send.

    Scanner Setup

    Preliminary procedures


    Step 1: Download from Brother

    For Dapper Drake (6.06): [Sane Scanner Backend]
    For Edgy/Feisty (6.10/7.04): [Sane Scanner Backend]

    For other Brother machines: Please make sure the appropriate drivers are downloaded. Check the Brother website for the Scanner Backend.
    Applications → Accessories → Terminal

    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/brscan2-0.2.1-0.i386.deb
    The scanner should be installed.
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/brscan2-0.2.3-0.i386.deb
    Make scanner accessible to all users
    gksudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/45-libsane.rules
    Add the following above the last row:
    The last four rows should then look like:

    Restart the OS.

    Step 3: Installing XSane

    To use the scanner requires that Ubuntu's scanner software be installed. Copy the following code into the Terminal:

    sudo aptitude install sane xsane libsane sane-utils

    Finalizing The Setup


    Verify the install with XSane

    Applications → Graphics → XSane Image Scanning Program

    Setup Complete

    Move the setup folder from your desktop to the trash if you so desire, or to some other location in the file system.

    Network Installation
    Please note: Contributions to help with network setups are detailed below. I do not have the MFC as an independent part of the network so I cannot test the following instructions. However these links are offered in hope of problem-free configuration.
    ubu69 has had success with a network setup. He's using a Debian system and believes this should prove helpful [click here].

    shawndoggie notes success with the MFC attached to an XP box [click here].

    stalefries has put together a nicely detailed howto in this thread. Network scanning! I just love the layout. [click here]

    Other Brother Products
    Please note: If you have a different Brother product don't go away dejected. There may be hope. Here's a list of some related success stories. With a bit of tweaking it seems this tutorial has proven helpful.
    Jose Catre-Vandis has a mini tutorial on the for the DCP-540CN in an Edgy HowTo [click here]

    Gray. notes success with the MFC-620CN [click here]

    ubu69 notes success with the MFC-420CN in Debian [click here]

    crhooker notes success with the MFC-3220C [click here]

    shawndoggy notes success with the MFC-5440CN [click here]

    thedavis notes success with the DCP-115C [click here]

    Mack1 notes success with the MFC-425CN [click here]

    bigken notes success with the MFC-3820CN [click here]

    Bucanero notes success with the MFC-5440N [click here]

    Jasman and Boelcke both note success with the Brother HL-2040
    [click here] and [click here]

    Other distros:

    bigken notes success on SuSE 10.0 [click here]


    Found an error? Lemme know. Errors will be replaced with your astute observations and you'll be credited.

    Got a question? I'll explain the best I can.

    History: This tutorial was designed for Ubuntu/Edubuntu (Breezy, then updated for Dapper) to help me remember what steps I took in the first place. It exploded with the help of posters and onlookers like you. Thanks!!

    It may not work with other Ubuntu-based releases (Xubuntu, Kubuntu, etc.) - searching for a Kubuntu/Xubuntu-related tutorial recommended.

    Variations from the Brother website instructions reflect the difference between Ubuntu and a pure Debian system.

    Brother® is a Registered Trademark.

    (This HOWTO comes with absolutely no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. However, the author will return on a regular basis to ensure the Brother files are still available and up-to-date and that the tutorial looks prettier and prettier.)
    Last edited by BobSongs; April 8th, 2009 at 04:43 PM. Reason: I've abandoned this thread. :'-(

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quick question, since my brother MFC210C is set up as a network printer, not attached to any machine, will these instructions work or will I need to do something different?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    Quick question, since my brother MFC210C is set up as a network printer, not attached to any machine, will these instructions work or will I need to do something different?
    Excellent question, Nightwind. If you've got the printer correctly installed on a network box then I suppose it won't hurt at all to have the drivers set up on your machine.

    I'm a new Ubuntu user myself. In the Windows world you need the drivers set up on all PCs that will access the network printer(s). At this point I haven't quite figured out how to "share" my printer on my LAN (not that I'm in a hurry: my three-year-old son would end up printing every other image... in colour... from each TuxPaint screen he'd create... not cool). Once I figure that out I'll let you know.

    Keep the questions coming.

    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:53 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by BobSongs
    Excellent question, Nightwind. If you've got the printer correctly installed on a network box then I suppose it won't hurt at all to have the drivers set up on your machine.

    I'm a new Ubuntu user muhself. In the Windows world you need the drivers set up on all PCs that will access the network printer(s). At this point I haven't quite figured out how to "share" my printer on my LAN (not that I'm in a hurry: my three-year-old son would end up printing every other screen... in colour... from each TuxPaint screen he'd create... not cool). Once I figure that out I'll let you know.

    Keep them questions coming.

    Well I can say there is something missing, I followed the instructions to the letter, thanks for being so straighforward with them I wish all the instructions were as clear. I can see the printer, but cannot print to the printer. I told it to do a test page but that failed. There was no error message.
    So I am trying to figure it out. If you have any clues for a newborn newbie please advise.
    Thanks again

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    Well I can say there is something missing, I followed the instructions to the letter, thanks for being so straighforward with them I wish all the instructions were as clear. I can see the printer, but cannot print to the printer. I told it to do a test page but that failed. There was no error message.
    So I am trying to figure it out. If you have any clues for a newborn newbie please advise.
    Thanks again
    One thing I forgot to mention, I have 6 of the "W machines as well as 1 IMac, plus an Intergraph server, everything else is seeing and using the printer at this point. I did manage to share an HP printer that is phsically installed on a Win XP Pro box. So that was good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    One thing I forgot to mention, I have 6 of the "W machines as well as 1 IMac, plus an Intergraph server, everything else is seeing and using the printer at this point. I did manage to share an HP printer that is physically installed on a Win XP Pro box. So that was good.
    Yeah. Sharing a printer on a Windows XP box is fairly easy. It think right-clicking it and selecting "Share" is about how complex it gets.

    Okay. Let me get to work investigating. I'll "share" this printer on my PC and see if I can get it printing. Then I'll get back to you asap.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    thanks for being so straighforward with them I wish all the instructions were as clear.
    Thank you, thank you. I've had my hand held in the past in areas where I was completely lost. I've also had vague & ambiguous instructions. I know which I prefer. I don't feel insulted in the least to have a clear set of instructions where some part of it seems a bit "overdone" in its simplicity. The tutorial was done for the uber new user to feel quite at home.
    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:54 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    <snip> I can see the printer, but cannot print to the printer. I told it to do a test page but that failed. There was no error message.
    So I am trying to figure it out. If you have any clues for a newborn newbie please advise.
    Thanks again
    Yes: this tutorial is obviously for the MFC210C attached directly to the PC in question. Your ability to see the printer and yet not be able to print to feels like it might be just a bit beyond my abilities at the moment.

    I saw this link in another thread, but I believe that allows for Ubuntu to Ubuntu printing, and not necessarily through a server.

    Which box is your printer connected to? Or is it connected directly to the server? (Okay. I'm stalling. But I'm still investigating.)
    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:55 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Hi Merry Christmas!
    Stalling is ok I have learned to do that myself. It's not attached to any machine. It's networked in from the switch. Network setup is as follows.
    Sat modem/router to switch CAT 5 to all the units. Really simple set up.
    All the Windows boxes have the software installed and do not share per say the printer.
    The server does not print to it or any other printer (have 3) as it's a SME 6.5 (Linux) box, Raid 0 set up as a file server/backup machine that I am STILL working on. That's another long story. It might become a Ubuntu server before long if I can't get the raid issue corrected. I will check out the link and report back.
    One more ? Is there a simple way to install any type of driver or does each flavor require it's own little installation gig? So much to learn so little brain power.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    I just wanna sincerely thank you Bob for referring to my ubuntu printer sharing how-to and I hope more ideas could come up from it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobSongs
    Yes: this tutorial is obviously for the MFC210C attached directly to the PC in question. Your ability to see the printer and yet not be able to print to feels like it might be just a bit beyond my abilities at the moment.

    I saw this link in another thread, but I believe that allows for Ubuntu to Ubuntu printing, and not necessarily through a server.

    Which box is your printer connected to? Or is it connected directly to the server? (Okay. I'm stalling. But I'm still investigating.)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    I aaam using kde desktop. My printer is now working in Linux. Your instructions were esier to read and follow than Brothers. Thank you for your help.

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