View Poll Results: Which Ubuntu flavor does your Brother MFC serve?

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  • Edgy Eft (6.10)

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  • Dapper Drake (6.06.x)

    14 13.86%
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Thread: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Smile Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    Hi there!
    All the printers/copiers here are a year old or less. 3 of them. I was asking not just about printer drivers, but ALL drivers and programs in general. Is there a hard fast rule on that?
    Whew! Good question. I've gotten on the Linux bandwagon less than a month ago. I am seriously in need of courses. You can only learn so much from re-installing Linux and then running everyone else's scripts and stuff.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    I figured out that I was going to have to set up a server to handle this any way for the time being. The one server I have setup is a toy really, just to learn on. My S.O want's it short and to the point, no stress. So that's what I'll do. He's not the adventurous type when it comes to changing things except he wants me to build a system to handle server duties as well as run the cameras outside and the media here. That will be an adventure, prob take a year as slow as I am. Pray for me. I think it's time for a UNIX class.
    Time spent learning Unix is useful even if you apply it to XP or Apple's O/S X.

    Let me know if that link is helpful to you. I applied it on my system and now PC2 prints through PC1 to the MFC210C without any bugs.

    I wish you success. My prayers are with you. Army? Or Salvation Army?
    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:56 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Hi Ya!
    As soon as we get these other 7 computers out of the way and in with the other 40 I will attack this with a vengeance. I'm going to redo the whole network here and attempt to get all the boxes talking to all the printers through the server.
    This should be interesting to say the least.
    I learn best by doing, which in this case requires classes as there is no one around here that uses UNIX/Linux. The forums are a great tool and I have learned tons from reading on them as well as the on-line Linux tutorials. I've had a Linux distro before but was so frustrated by the lack of response on the forums that I just dropped it. It has matured greatly in the past few years. I'll let you know if that link works here.
    Treat people like you want to be treated. is where I'm at. Running on Red Hat

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    I aaam using kde desktop. My printer is now working in Linux. Your instructions were esier to read and follow than Brothers. Thank you for your help.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    I just wanna sincerely thank you Bob for referring to my ubuntu printer sharing how-to and I hope more ideas could come up from it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobSongs
    Yes: this tutorial is obviously for the MFC210C attached directly to the PC in question. Your ability to see the printer and yet not be able to print to feels like it might be just a bit beyond my abilities at the moment.

    I saw this link in another thread, but I believe that allows for Ubuntu to Ubuntu printing, and not necessarily through a server.

    Which box is your printer connected to? Or is it connected directly to the server? (Okay. I'm stalling. But I'm still investigating.)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Wink Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightwind
    <snip>I've had a Linux distro before but was so frustrated by the lack of response on the forums that I just dropped it. It has matured greatly in the past few years. I'll let you know if that link works here.</snip>
    This particular forum is very friendly to new users. I hear this is becoming more common in regard to other forums.

    After you return from your network surgery let us know how well the Ubuntu box prints on the network. If you're still having problems let's create a brand new thread in the Networking forum. When you arrive at a solution we'll link this thread to it.
    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:57 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Edubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Originally Posted by BobSongs

    <snip>This particular forum is very friendly to new users. I hear this is becoming more common in regard to other forums. After you return from your network surgery let us know how well the Ubuntu box prints on the network. If you're still having problems let's create a brand new thread in the Networking forum. When you arrive at a solution we'll link this thread to it.</snip>

    Hi and thanks I'll do that. We are still working on getting the other units moved, I don't know what's heavier the servers or the "21 monitors.
    Treat people like you want to be treated. is where I'm at. Running on Red Hat

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by fishfillet
    I just wanna sincerely thank you Bob for referring to my ubuntu printer sharing how-to and I hope more ideas could come up from it.
    Hey dude: no problem. I kinda enjoy reading your pages. I've even modified my desktop look based on your suggestions.
    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:58 AM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by BobSongs
    A "how to" for the Brother MFC210C printer.

    Setting up a Brother MFC210C might appear a bit daunting for a new Ubuntu user. Locating the drivers alone is a challenge (they're not available on the Brother setup CD). And Brother's ambiguous instructions may leave you tempted to abandon Ubuntu.

    For those of us who have this low-cost Multi Function Centre and have not been able to use it, here's a step-by-step instruction set to get it printing. A tutorial on how to get the scanner features going is welcome.

    Preliminary procedures
    Create a folder on your desktop and call it mfc210c:
    • Right-click the desktop and click Create Folder in the context menu
    • Name it mfc210c (in lower case, this is important)
    Step 1: Download from Brother
    Click each of the following links. Click I Accept when the browser loads the page:
    Note: The browser will ask if you wish to open or download the file. Don't open it. Download and save it in the mfc210c folder on the desktop.
    Step 2: Install the C Shell
    Ubuntu does not come with the C shell pre-installed. It is necessary for this installation. The rest of the setup requires an open Terminal.
    Applications → Accessories → Terminal
    and enter the following (or copy the following command, paste it in and hit Enter):

    sudo apt-get install csh
    This command will require your password.

    Don't close the Terminal. We'll need it again.

    Step 3: Install the LPR Driver
    Enter the following commands into the Terminal:

    sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd
    sudo mkdir /var/spool/lpd/MFC210C
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/mfc210clpr-1.0.2-1.i386.deb
    Note: this tutorial is designed with the idea that both downloaded files are in the mfc210c folder on the desktop. The last command above will fail otherwise.
    Step 4: Install the CUPS Wrapper
    Enter the following commands into the Terminal:

    sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/cupsys /etc/init.d/cups
    sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/mfc210c/cupswrappermfc210c_1.0.0-1_i386.deb
    Open the printer panel to ensure the MFC210C is installed.
    System → Administration → Printing
    Right-click the printer and click “Properties”.
    • Print a test page from the General tab.
    • Click the Paper tab and adjust the paper size accordingly, possibly replacing A4 with Letter.
    • Review the choices under the Advanced tab and make adjustments.

    If you encounter an error in these instructions or added several steps to make it more complete, please post your findings/additions and appropriate modifications will be made.

    Explanations as to the above procedures are available upon request: the steps outlined above have been modified and expanded from those offered at the Brother website. Brother is a registered trademark.

    (This HOWTO comes with absolutely no warranty. to the extent permitted by applicable law. However, the author will return on a regular basis to ensure the Brother files are still available and up-to-date.)
    Where did you find this information? I was beginning to think that Ubuntu users didn't use printers, period, let alone a Brother MFC....

    Now I'm off to see if I can adapt these to my shiny new Brother 7820N MFC....

    I got it for Christmas and it's gotten very little use since I've been stumped as to how to get it working with Ubuntu.
    © 2010 angrykeyboarder™ & Elmer Fudd. All Wites Wesewved.
    I never used an OS that I didn't (dis)like.
    I'm angrykeyboarder™ and I approved this message.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Dapper Drake Testing/

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    These steps worked for the MFC-620CN. I was stuck on one part with the error
    /etc/init.d/cups: Command not found
    then the symbolic link fixed that up.

    *EDIT* If you Google for Brother Linux Drivers, it should be the first result.
    By the time you read this, you already read it.
    Linux user #404721

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Quote Originally Posted by angrykeyboarder
    <snip>Where did you find this information? I was beginning to think that Ubuntu users didn't use printers, period, let alone a Brother MFC....</snip>
    It's a basic modification of the Brother website's instructions. My first attempt to install the drivers produced errors. I figured it was because the drivers were designed for a pure Debian system. I decided not to panic and run to this forum for help. I knew I'd be asked what I had tried up to this point. Saying "Not much" wasn't going to make anybody happy.

    So I carefully reviewed each error output. (This is where Linux shines: error details.) I noted what went wrong and made the appropriate modifications (create a folder, create a link...). Eventually the printer just worked.

    Instead of posting a thread asking what to do, I posted one explaining what to do.
    Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 03:59 AM. Reason: Add link

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