View Poll Results: Which Ubuntu flavor does your Brother MFC serve?

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  • Fiesty Fawn (testing)

    38 37.62%
  • Edgy Eft (6.10)

    56 55.45%
  • Dapper Drake (6.06.x)

    14 13.86%
  • Breezy Badger (5.10)

    0 0%
  • Hoary Hedgehog (5.04)

    0 0%
  • Warty Warthog (4.10)

    0 0%
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Results 141 to 150 of 436

Thread: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Arrow DCP115C Fails to install in Drake

    Welcome to the forum, nixt. Thanks for the heads up.

    I recall a post in this thread by Lunixfanboy saying he upgraded to Drake and had a bit of trouble with the scanner part of the MFC-210C. He installed the latest driver and it fixed things for him. My point is: the printer drivers worked for him. There was no mention of any modification of that part of the set up.

    So I'm just wondering what the problem might be. Would you be so kind as to run through the process again and copy/paste the system's reponses. This will help a great deal towards getting some kind of answer.


  2. #142
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ubuntu 6.06

    A solution for Dapper?

    Thanks BobSongs.. I'm certainly digging harder at this issue at the moment.

    I kinda jumped the gun earlier when I declared that my DCP115C worked out of the box with dapper. Sorry!

    I tried to confirm my findings and purged the debs I installed earlier (dpkg --purge) while following the tutorial.

    I deleted the printer entry and started from the Add Printer (System->Adminstration->Printing->New Printer) part again. The printer detected fine, but at the second dialog box where you had to select a compatible printer (we're looking for MFC-210C here), I couldn't find the listing anymore!

    Now if we followed the tutorial step by step, we'll get a printer entry created for us, without having to go through the Add Printer dialog.

    Our friend timsch75 mentioned earlier that he tried to print a test page through this printer entry and failed.

    I found out that this works (at least for me):

    1. Install the debs
    2. Delete the newly created printer entry (important!)
    3. Add a new printer using the New Printer dialog, and select MFC-210C when asked
    4. Print a test page.

    I need a real nap now, will be back later. Scanning doesn't work for me right now by the way...
    Last edited by nixt; June 2nd, 2006 at 06:50 AM.

  3. #143
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    La Rochelle - France
    Ubuntu 6.06

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    I just switched from MS Windows to Linux... I followed the HowTo for my DCP-110C. The driver is installed, but my prints stay in "pause". Does anyone have a solution for this problem ?


  4. #144
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Question Re: Paused DCP-110C

    You've tried restarting the printer and you're still getting the pause thing?

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Exclamation Re: Dapper Drake and the MFC Scanner

    Quote Originally Posted by nixt

    ...Scanning doesn't work for me right now by the way...
    Lunixfanboy mentions in post 115 that the tutorial fails when it comes to the scanner in Dapper Drake:
    Quote Originally Posted by Lunixfanboy

    As an aside to the howto, Dapper does NOT have hotplug, so editing the libsane.usermap will not be an option. However, getting brscan2-0.2.0-i386.deb and using that in Dapper has made the scanner functional again. I apt-get dist-upgraded from Breezy to Dapper when Flight 7 was announced, and immediately lost access to the scanner function. I just checked with Brother, and they have a newer release for those with kernel >= 2.6.13 which remedied the problem.
    I believe this is the link to the list of more recent scanner drivers by Brother.

    Hope that gets your scanner up and running again.
    Last edited by BobSongs; June 14th, 2006 at 07:21 AM.

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Auckland, New Zealand
    Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    If you're trying to set up a DCP-115C you'll have a problem when you try to install the scanner (at least I did on Dapper). You should find that when you load xsane you get an error:

    Failed to open device 'brother2:bus3;dev1':
    Error during device I/O.
    If you try running xsane as root:

    sudo xsane
    it will work (after you click continue on the message about it being unsafe).

    If you've got to this point and are not happy with scanning as root (you shouldn't be), then you need to do what this message from Brother told me to do.

    Dear Sir/Madam

    This is the Japanese Solutions Center.
    Thank you for your inquiry.

    The current driver works with only a root user.
    However for Ubuntu, the following solution could be a help.

    Would you try this?

    1.Create the file "10-local.rules" under the directory:
    which includes the following content:

    SUBSYSTEM!="usb_device", ACTION!="add", GOTO="_end"
    # For brother
    SYSFS{idVendor}=="04f9", MODE="666", GROUP="scanner"

    2.Restart the OS.

    Best regards,
    Brother Solutions Center
    All should now be working.

    Try the best game since Tetris -
    Downloads available for Ubuntu (including derivatives), other Linux and Windows.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex

    Printer no longer working after upgrade to dapper

    Hi. When I first got my MFC210c, I was running Breezy. The directions in the howto worked great (thanks!). About 4 weeks ago I upgraded to Dapper. Now the printer won't work. It's still listed as being there, but whenever I try to print, it does nothing. When I open the printer queue, the state is "Pending: printer-stopped."

    Does dapper require another step to get the thing working?


  8. #148
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Angry Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Dear sir;

    While I devoted time and effort in developing a thorough walk-through for the MFC210C in Breezy Badger, the attention given this project resulted in my neglecting to harvest heat-sink lint which was considerable once this task was addressed. An unfortunate side-effect with the carmelization of my motherboard, due to its inability to dissipate heat as designed... the net result is an eBay entry for one case, a video card, ... well, you get idea.

    No burial of the ashes will be necessary as cannibalization has already begun.

    In other words... the PC that ran my printer is dead. So, until such time as a new machine is acquired ... I will be unable to address your query.

    Regrets... and most terribly sorry.

  9. #149
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Montreal, Canada

    Arrow Dapper Drake Testing Completed


    Apologies to all for the delay. With the demise of my PC and my reluctance to switch my O/S over to Dapper things have been a bit hairy, to say the least.

    However, I have just moved my 2nd PC over to the station where my 1st PC once sat. Now I'm running Dapper Drake version 6.06 and I've got it attached to my Brother MFC210C. Here are the results so far.

    The installation of the drivers has proven successful. No hitch. The test page printed correctly.

    Please note: this is not an upgrade. I repeat: this is not an upgrade. Ubuntu GNU/Linux 6.06 LTS on this system was a clean install. For those who are experiencing technical difficulties due to their systems being upgraded from Breezy Badger (5.10) it may be best to remove the drivers and restart the driver install.
    Edit: The tutorial has been updated. It now contains modifications for Dapper Drake changes. It will probably need a bit of cleaning up to make it look prettier. But it is now fairly accurate for both Breezy and Dapper.

    Edit 2: The tutorial has been trimmed a bit (explanations removed) and it looks dapper with formatting changes. The Dapper Drake version of the installer script is also available. Hope its useful.
    Last edited by BobSongs; June 29th, 2006 at 07:11 AM.

  10. #150
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: HOWTO: Install Brother MFC210C

    Hi there!

    Installing the new Dapper 6.06 my MFC-425CN (that use the MFC-210C driver) started to print in reverse order from last to first page on mutiple pages documents.

    I wrote to Brother service and after 4 days I received the response from Japan.
    Now the printer works correctly.

    HTML Code:
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    We could make this issue happen at our side too.
    The "reverse order print" you said is actually correct
    due to its original specification of the CUPS.
    The CUPS you had been using so far was not supporting it.
    If you want to change it, please do the following.
    1.Open the file MFC210C.ppd which is located under the directory
    2.Delete the line "*DefaultOutputOrder: Reverse".
    Best regards,
    Brother Solutions Center

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