Apologies to all for the delay. With the demise of my PC and my reluctance to switch my O/S over to Dapper things have been a bit hairy, to say the least.
However, I have just moved my 2nd PC over to the station where my 1st PC once sat. Now I'm running Dapper Drake version 6.06 and I've got it attached to my Brother MFC210C. Here are the results so far.
The installation of the drivers has proven successful. No hitch. The test page printed correctly.
Please note: this is not an upgrade. I repeat: this is not an upgrade. Ubuntu GNU/Linux 6.06 LTS on this system was a clean install. For those who are experiencing technical difficulties due to their systems being upgraded from Breezy Badger (5.10) it may be best to remove the drivers and restart the driver install.
Edit: The tutorial has been updated. It now contains modifications for Dapper Drake changes. It will probably need a bit of cleaning up to make it look prettier. But it is now fairly accurate for both Breezy and Dapper.
Edit 2: The tutorial has been trimmed a bit (explanations removed) and it looks dapper with formatting changes. The Dapper Drake version of the installer script is also available. Hope its useful.