Fiesty Fawn (testing)
Edgy Eft (6.10)
Dapper Drake (6.06.x)
Breezy Badger (5.10)
Hoary Hedgehog (5.04)
Warty Warthog (4.10)
I imagine a "sudo mkdir /etc/init.d/lpd" would suffice, although I know very little about this.
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Originally Posted by stalefries I imagine a "sudo mkdir /etc/init.d/lpd" would suffice, although I know very little about this. to be honest i think you're wrong... most files in init.d aren't directories rather scripts or something like that... (though i might be wrong) I still can't confirm wheter it having troubles configuring the samba side of the network printing when i run: cd /var/log/cups/ tail -f error_log i get all lines like: E [13/May/2006:12:09:23 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found! anyone? i have been trying everything :S well, ill try plugging it in by usb, if it works then, at least im sure about the drivers being correct *edit* i can now confirm that adding the specific link helped me install succesfully a brother mfc 9180 printer on ubuntu dapper drake (by usb port) worked like charm now the damn samba network thingy!
Last edited by woot; May 13th, 2006 at 11:16 AM.
Well, it shows how little I know. In other news, does anyonie know why ubuntu-desktop needs to be removed whenever I install lpr, and vice versa? I thought ubuntu-desktop was just a meta-package.
Originally Posted by stalefries Well, it shows how little I know. In other news, does anyonie know why ubuntu-desktop needs to be removed whenever I install lpr, and vice versa? I thought ubuntu-desktop was just a meta-package. It would appear that a lot will disappear from your Ubuntu setup if you remove the Ubuntu-desktop package. Not recommended. I haven't tried it. But then again I don't want to see nine tenths of my setup vanish because of a mouse-click.
Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 04:42 AM.
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Originally Posted by BobSongs It would appear that a lot will disappear from your Ubuntu setup if you remove the Ubuntu-desktop package. Not recommended. I haven't tried it. But then again I don't want to see nine tenths of my setup vanish because of a mouse-click. It didn't remove anything but the ubuntu-desktop package. Everything is still there. Wait, does this mean you didn't have to install lpr at any point? I hope it's true.
lol No, dude. Only read the description in Synaptic. It didn't appear to be something I wanted to do. But if all works well, then I should have kept my mouth shut. Well. I'll be posting the script soon, on your recommendation. It works when one opens a command prompt and does sudo ./ I'll have that up some time tomorrow.
Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 04:51 AM.
I guess that misconception was left over from when I tried to install the printer from before. For some reason, i was led to think that I needed lpr installed. Guess what's getting fixed right now! Good to hear the script is coming along.
You guys are great got my MFC-5440CN scanner to work this way.... Thanks.
An "Install Script" for the Brother MFC210C printer. Removed for Breezy Badger Breezy Badger is hereby officially no longer supported by this thread or by Canonical. Thanks Bob
Last edited by BobSongs; May 28th, 2007 at 04:52 AM. Reason: DO NOT INSTALL FAX DRIVERS: SEE MAIN TUTORIAL
Also, for all of you who have a printer other than the MFC-210C, and manage to install it by modifying the afore-mentioned script, please post your modified script here so we can incorporate it into the next version. Hopefully, we'll be able to eventually cover all Brother printers with this script!
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