Originally Posted by
Sorry I was in a hurry (had the UPS for my blade chassis at work die). There is no /usr/usr/... the full path to the usr files is /media/disk-1/usr/ thats it. I verified before posting cause I know that a dbl-usr path would be wrong.
Cool on the rest, I'm going to d/l and burn a new live cd while Im here and give it a whirl tonight.
Thanks for your expert help bro!
allanon@sputnik:/media/disk-1$ ls
lost+found usr
allanon@sputnik:/media/disk-1$ cd usr
allanon@sputnik:/media/disk-1/usr$ ls
bin games include java lib lib32 local NX sbin share src X11R6
That's what's wrong. There should be no /media/disk-1/usr. As the partition will be mounted as /usr, the files and folders from your original /usr directory MUST be DIRECTLY on /media/disk-1, not in a subfolder called /usr. If you have it in /media/disk-1/usr, it will become /usr/usr after rebooting with your new fstab, and that will very likely leave you with an unbootable system.
You should see this:
allanon@sputnik:/media/disk-1$ ls
bin games include java lib lib32 local NX sbin share src X11R6
NOT this:
allanon@sputnik:/media/disk-1$ ls
lost+found usr
Again: The partition which you now have temporarily mounted as /media/disk-1 should not contain the new /usr folder it should be the new /usr folder...
And to avoid one more problem:
When you boot with a live cd and want to remove the old /usr folder, just remove the contents of the folder but leave it there (or remove it and create a new, empty, /usr folder). It needs to be there as mount point for your new /usr partition.