Title: "The future of business technology" Sub-title: "Secrets of how successful businesses cut costs and gain competitive advantage by using powerful new trends in technology" Presenter: "Barnaby Bienkowski, President of Cosmadesu" Description: "William Gibson stated that 'the future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed'. This lecture takes a closer look at those companies among us who are already living in the future by adopting powerful trends in business technology. Our speaker comes from the front lines of open source consulting and walks us through some common problems faced by the average business today and shows modern solutions used by those who are ahead of the curve". Time: 07:00 PM-09:00 PM Location: 2nd Floor Meeting Room Recurrence: One Time Event Occurences: 2/5/2009 -----
Last edited by cprofitt; January 11th, 2009 at 11:11 PM.
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