Well I got the intel C++ and fortran compiler to work in ubuntu 7.10. It took some hacking. The first thing I did was get the lastest version off the intel website 10.0.026. Then I installed it using the LICENSE FILE because the key would not work I keep getting the same error. Once I had it installed I changed the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/bach.bashrc with the below.
# for intel compiler
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/cce/10.0.026/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/intel/cce/10.0.026/lib
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/fce/10.0.026/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/intel/fce/10.0.026/lib
Then I tried using icc or ifort and got some an error like
export: 36: Illegal option -n
So I opened up /opt/intel/fce/10.0.026/bin/ifort and deleted the -n in line 36. I run into an error with exec and the -a in the last line of the file so I hacked them to look like
if [ $# != 0 ]
exec /opt/intel/fce/10.0.026/bin/ifortbin "$@";
exec /opt/intel/fce/10.0.026/bin/ifortbin;
I did the same of icc for the c++ side. So it seem export and exec don't have the same options as before. I don't know why this is,but this will make it work. If anyone know a better way of fixing it that would be great.