
Type: Posts; User: BslBryan; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: New Linux computer store opening in Chattanooga, TN

    Yes, very true Destop_n00b. The main location has been shut down, I have become pretty much unaffiliated, and it's not much of a store anymore, but the guys there still get some business building...
  2. Re: New Linux computer store opening in Chattanooga, TN

    The difference between Radiated Computers and The Open Store is that The Open Store was completely Linux, whereas Radiated Computers advocates Linux, but is not limited to it.
  3. Re: New Linux computer store opening in Chattanooga, TN :-)
  4. New Linux computer store opening in Chattanooga, TN

    Hello, everyone!

    The people in Northwest Georgia will be more directly impacted by this news, but as of October 15, 2009, Radiated Computers, a Linux-friendly computer store advocating free and...
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