
Type: Posts; User: dragonfly41; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    +1 ... I offered same thoughts in post #11 but it falls on deaf ears (or is it eyes).
  2. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    I can write what I would do. Cut your losses, lick your wounds and start again.
    Buy a brand new SSD in an external powered container (not touching your current failed setup).
    Create LiveUSB to...
  3. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    Try installing 15 days free trial EasyUEFI in Windows to inspect your setup.
  4. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    I don't recognise that GParted dump. I have dual boot and my first partition is for Boot.

    Looking at my dual boot in GParted I have
    /dev/sda1 EFI system partition 100MB flags boot, esp
Results 1 to 4 of 4