Type: Posts; User: yancek; Keyword(s):
You need to change the entry you have show and been told to several times from /home as a mount point to / which it likely was originally.
Is that what you have in your fstab file now? If you change your fstab to use the UUID example above instead of /dev/sda5, do you still get the above error? Have you run blkid again. That's...
Do you have a current fstab file you are trying to use? If you have the line below you posted earlier in it you need to comment it out as it won't work. You can't have a / filesystem mount point on...
Did you have a separate /home partition prior to the upgrade? Did you have only a / filesystem partitions? Do you know which partition was the / filesystem partition? Was it sda5? There is no...
It's hard to make suggestions with the limited information you provide. First off, do you actually have some version of windows installed and if so, what is it? As indicated in an earlier post, you...
How did you do the update/upgrade? Terminal commands, GUI software manager? Not sure how you expect anyone to tell you if there is a problem with your fstab file since you did not post it. Also,...