
Type: Posts; User: oldfred; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    Not necessarily an issue.
  2. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    You keep posting a mount of /home, but not / (root).
    And you say you do not have a /home as a separate partition which would be the only way fstab would have a line to mount /home.
  3. Re: Upgrading to Ubuntu 24 on my dual-boot laptop broke my filesystem table. Help!

    Because you only have one NTFS with boot flag and MBR(msdos) partitioning since you have extended partition, your Windows is installed in old BIOS/MBR configuration. New systems since 2012 are UEFI...
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