Type: Posts; User: michaelmacho; Keyword(s):
Thank you for everyone's help based on the feedback i discovered it was a permissions issue with the files. Since I setup R Clone with One Drive and Google Drive i had to set the permissions to...
OK Thanks. It was recomended that we move it to the WINE sub forum ... What ever you think is best thank you
DUMB Question: To bump the post every 12 hours do i just add to the tread or click on report post? I don't really see any other option for bumping a post.
Can you move this to the WINE forum it was suggested to do that. As a new user i am not sure i am able to do this.
Hi Thank you for the reply. I actually have already setup Oracle Virtual Box VM and installed windows on that in order to use it if needed or if i need to reference it in order to manage tech...
Yes there is a web version you can also configure to use OUTLOOK look or other mail clients. What does this have to do with Wine and Microsoft Word and opening files etc. Web versions of word...
Hello Everyone I am new to using Linux as my daily driver OS. Just 4 days ago Windows took a crap with an update and Microsoft did not call for 4 days. I finally got so frustrated as a Microsoft...