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  1. Re: Xubuntu 22.04 -> 24.04 Upgrade failed to install GRUB


    Thanks for the additional info regarding failure on raid. In my case the md0 raid was comprised of sdb and sdc devices and when it came time to install GRUB, I got the message:

  2. Re: Xubuntu 22.04 -> 24.04 Upgrade failed to install GRUB

    Again, thank you for all the good information.

    There is nothing I would like to do more than install the boot-repair utility and try to fix GRUB while I still have control of the machine but in...
  3. Re: Xubuntu 22.04 -> 24.04 Upgrade failed to install GRUB

    First, I've upgraded this system successfully for the past ten years.

    Ignore the 4TB hard drives. These hold user data and have nothing to do with the OS.

    The OS resides on a pair of Crucial...
  4. Re: Xubuntu 22.04 -> 24.04 Upgrade failed to install GRUB

    Yes, I wondered about the grub-pc notation as well. When I tried to research this problem all references I could find seemed to be to Windows systems with a Linux partition. This system uses an...
  5. Xubuntu 22.04 -> 24.04 Upgrade failed to install GRUB

    I'm on a machine with dual Xeon CPUs and a straight Xubuntu installation. The primary OS files partition is located on a pair of mirrored SSDs /dev/md0 (sdb1 and sdc1) mounted on /.

    I previously...
Results 1 to 5 of 5