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  1. [ubuntu] Re: Autoinstall - Dual boot with Windows 10

    Hi John,

    I am sorry to say that I still am fighting this issue - just been to busy to give any updates or do extensive tests (which is very time consuming).

    What looks to be the situation, is...
  2. [ubuntu] Re: Autoinstall - Dual boot with Windows 10

    Thank you for your quick reply!

    I have not checked this setting, but I assume it is in fast boot-up, as I understand that is the default. I have basically just installed a fresh win10 PRO, made...
  3. [ubuntu] Autoinstall - Dual boot with Windows 10


    I work for a company using Ubuntu LTS for developers, and we are using LVM and LUKS in a dual boot with Windows 10/11. Up until 22.04, this worked with manual installations, but as of 24.04,...
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