
Type: Posts; User: danrees77; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Dual booted kali with windows, deleted kali partition now broken grub exists...

    @yancek I had windows on my SSD and later installed Kali in it too. Then I only deleted the kali partition from windows disk management. What else I did I don't remember but now when I wanted ZorinOS...
  2. Re: Dual booted kali with windows, deleted kali partition now broken grub exists...

    Kindly can you check the report and tell whether I should run boot repair default or not.
  3. Re: Dual booted kali with windows, deleted kali partition now broken grub exists...

    Thanks I think that would work let me change the priority and come back.
    Edit: No it didn't show anything new, changing priority also showed the same windows bootloader and kali like before.
  4. Dual booted kali with windows, deleted kali partition now broken grub exists...

    Complete Problem:

    I have HDD and SSD, Windows is installed on SSD and I dual booted it with Kali... Later I deleted Kali Partition and merged the available space back. Boot menu shows Kali and...
Results 1 to 4 of 4