
Type: Posts; User: mc4man; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Is there any way to solve the Graphics question on an Optimus/hybrid GPU system?

    Don't have a Broadwell machine so can't compare, Haswell & Skylake work fine here. Just to ck. somethings -
    This should return just a long list of "Installed: (none)"

    apt-cache policy nvidia*...
  2. Re: Is there any way to solve the Graphics question on an Optimus/hybrid GPU system?

    OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.8, 256 bits)
    That will be a terrible user experience. Maybe you should go to the HWE Kernel/xserver as Broadwell could have issues with the...
  3. Re: Is there any way to solve the Graphics question on an Optimus/hybrid GPU system?

    The nvidia gpu you have may need newer than 340.101
    Putting that aside you may get as good or better video playback with the Intel iGPU plus nvidia drivers will likely cause tearing, at least when...
Results 1 to 3 of 3