
Type: Posts; User: Geoffrey_Arndt; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Is there any way to solve the Graphics question on an Optimus/hybrid GPU system?

    Please see my edited response. In that link the key part is 2/3rd of the way through the wiki article . . "Error running 32-bit applications on a 64-bit system"

    So refer to the link and if...
  2. Re: Is there any way to solve the Graphics question on an Optimus/hybrid GPU system?

    Is there a particular reason for running a 32bit kernel on this laptop? Does the hybrid gpu require 32 bit versus 64?

    (EDIT sorry, . . . it seems it may . . . which, if so, removes the...
  3. Re: Is there any way to solve the Graphics question on an Optimus/hybrid GPU system?

    Maybe worth a try - - - Ubuntu 16.10 or even 17.04 beta1? What to lose?
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