
Type: Posts; User: massimiliano-polito; Keyword(s):

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  1. [ubuntu_studio] Re: Cannot install Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from USB on ASUS Vivo AiO V221IC

    Yesterday I prepared a USB bootable stick starting from Ubuntu Studio 22.04.05 instead of 24.04 and everything worked perfectly. I can now start my PC in Ubuntu and see the shortcut on the desktop to...
  2. [ubuntu_studio] Re: Cannot install Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from USB on ASUS Vivo AiO V221IC

    Do you think this release uses a different installer?
  3. [ubuntu_studio] Re: Cannot install Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from USB on ASUS Vivo AiO V221IC

    To grahammechanical.

    I'll give it a try, thanks.

  4. [ubuntu_studio] Re: Cannot install Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from USB on ASUS Vivo AiO V221IC

  5. [ubuntu_studio] Re: Cannot install Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from USB on ASUS Vivo AiO V221IC

    Thanks for your reply.

    In the boot menu there isn't any bare "install option", there are only two options to run Ubuntu (both something like "Try and install" and another option to run it in some...
  6. [ubuntu_studio] Cannot install Ubuntu Studio 24.04 LTS from USB on ASUS Vivo AiO V221IC

    Hi all,

    I downloaded, checked the checksum was correct and created a bootable USB stick using...
Results 1 to 6 of 6