
Type: Posts; User: fragos; Keyword(s):

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  1. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    the config files are in ~/.gnome2/keyrings
  2. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    I've been fighting this for a long time. This all started for me at the same time I started using Ubuntuone, empathy and gwibber. For IM I also had Gmail and I started to use Tweetdeck for Twitter....
  3. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    My default keyring was called passwords. The 3 login thing started again so I looked in .gnome2/keyrings and found a "login" keyring had been created. I did the following:

    edited file "default" to...
  4. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    I believe there's a bug where if multiple aps use keyring you get multiple password requests instead of just one.
Results 1 to 4 of 4