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  1. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    To keep from having more than one login prompt, I changed my login preferences at System > Administration > Login Screen (I'm using Gnome3 vice Unity...which I call Untidy) such that I now have to...
  2. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    Tried it. Still get 3 login prompts.
  3. [ubuntu] Re: Ubuntu 11.04 Doesn't Accept Keyring Password On First Try

    I've found a lot of "simple solutions" to this problem, and like this one, none of them work. Power down, restart, and you still get this:

    Unlock keyring

    • An application wants access to the...
Results 1 to 3 of 3