
Type: Posts; User: MAFoElffen; Keyword(s):

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  1. [ubuntu] Re: Home NAS, configuration planning / guidance requested

    Forgot... I was looking at those M.2 to SATA adapter cards for another application I was playing with... What I would recommend on that... use is on M.2_2... That is the port that is Gen3, where the...
  2. [ubuntu] Re: Home NAS, configuration planning / guidance requested

    For ZFS performance tuning, search this Forum on my user name. For backups, search on TheFu's username.

    Yes, you'll want to keep that large storage pool on the same HBA. Distributing it across...
  3. [ubuntu] Re: Home NAS, configuration planning / guidance requested

    My recommends... I chose MSI for my own...

    Look around at MSI's other Z790 boards... I passed on that one. It only supports 96GB of RAM, has 4 x SATA ports, limited 3 x M.2 gen 3&4 slots and only...
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