
Type: Posts; User: oldfred; Keyword(s):

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  1. Re: Kernel update, unable to boot into any version

    I have never used encrypted install.
    Saved a link or two.
    Mount LVM - duckhook...
  2. Re: Kernel update, unable to boot into any version

    You can have both MBR & gpt drives.
    With MBR you normally boot with BIOS and with gpt with UEFI. Windows only allows that.
    But Ubuntu lets you use either boot mode with either partitioning,...
  3. Re: Kernel update, unable to boot into any version

    You show Bionic 18.04 as live installer running Boot-Repair? But report does not actually show installed version as you did not mount the encrypted partition before running report,
    That 18.04...
Results 1 to 3 of 3