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Forum: Ubuntu Community Discussions

The water cooler of UbuntuForums, a place to discuss pretty much anything (within reason). You will also find our resolution centre, forum council agenda and much more.

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  1. This is the place for chat and discussion about any aspect of Ubuntu, Linux or any operating system and its software. Technical support requests should be posted in an appropriate support sub-forum. Discussion of the politics of open source is permissible, but only the politics of open source. Wider political discussion is disallowed in all areas of the forum, as is discussion of religion. As with the Cafe, this area is intended for fun and community building, not arguments. Please take those elsewhere. Thanks!

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 9,208
    • Beans: 237,049
  2. The Community Chat area is for lighthearted and enjoyable discussions, such as you might find around a water cooler at work.

    Most topics which are not technical support requests may be discussed here. The exceptions are those discussions which would be better posted in the new Ubuntu, Linux and OS Chat sub-forum. Also, discussions on religion and politics are not allowed, since they have caused serious problems in the past. This area is intended for fun and community building, not arguments. Please take those elsewhere. Thanks!


    1. Cafe Games

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 69,363
    • Beans: 1,819,363
  3. Do you offer services related to Linux or Ubuntu, or looking to buy Linux or Ubuntu related products? Post your goods here, or ask for the products.

    Please do not spam or post the same product or service more than once.

    Only users with a post (bean) count of over 10 may create threads in this forum

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 979
    • Beans: 5,386
  4. A place to discuss smartphones, tablets, and anything to do with mobile technology.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 633
    • Beans: 4,134
  5. Important announcements related to anything related to Ubuntu. Including the forums, official announcements, security and bug updates and more.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 1,284
    • Beans: 1,360
  6. Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter - Reporting all of this week's Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Lubuntu action.

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    • Threads: 807
    • Beans: 1,013
  7. An area for forums members to apply for Ubuntu Membership. For additional information see: and

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 115
    • Beans: 2,456
  8. Discussions about posts at

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    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 1,512
    • Beans: 2,198
  9. Report technical problems with the website here (i.e. broken features), or ask questions pertaining to forum features.

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    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 71,001
    • Beans: 192,944
  10. This is the place to contact a forum admin concerning problems with your forum account, to appeal moderator action, to request a thread be moved from the jail, or to file a complaint about forum harrassment or abuse.

    Please note that posting permissions are restrictive in this sub-forum. You may start a thread, but you can only post to your own, not to others' threads. Forum moderators and admins are the only forum members who can post to any thread. Nor can you edit your posts. This latter is to prevent any dispute over what might or might not have been said.

    For your own security, please do not post your email in threads, thanks.

    Please follow the forum Code of Conduct when posting.

    Forum Actions:

    Forum Statistics:

    • Threads: 5,210
    • Beans: 20,884

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