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November 30th, 2008, 11:52 PM
1. Forum guidelines on content apply. In other words, safe for kids and safe for work.
2. Try not to quote embedded images; take a moment to snip them out.
3. Off-topic posts will be edited or moved.
4. Thumbnail your image, or use the forum's attachment system. Full-size embedded images are annoying and will be snipped mercilessly.
5. Take a moment and tell everyone the details of your desktop, such as the theme name, the wallpaper name, the icons and any programs you're using in the image.


Heres mine:

os: arch
WM: openbox
gtk-theme:industrial blue black
icons: Smokikon
dock: fbpanel
wallpaper: none

Apps: firefox . fbpanel, pcmanfm. xfceterminal , mpd , gmpc

December 1st, 2008, 12:05 AM
You'll need to post the guidelines if you want to start the new thread.

December 1st, 2008, 12:44 AM
OS: Gentoo
WM: Fluxbox
WM Theme: Deviant Blue (Deviant Fluxbox)
GTK theme: Vorta (http://fratrip.deviantart.com/art/Vorta-Suite-87991631)
icons: Tango & Gnome
dock: Rox with some scripts I made
wallpaper: parket.png (no source, sorry)

1st screen: clean desktop. There is a hidden toolbar up there.
2nd: Conky setup for mpd and control buttons appear when music is playing. There is sonata, and a modified version of pidgin.

December 1st, 2008, 01:48 AM
OS: Xubuntu
WM Theme: G2
Icons: Tango
Dock: Thunar
Wallpaper: Haapa - Aspen (http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Haapa+-+Aspen?content=90134).
Applications: Thunar open to Trash


December 1st, 2008, 02:15 AM
Everything is from gnome-look.org

OS: Ubuntu 8.10
Icon: set is a variety of Mashup, Boulevard, Black & White gloss, and Hydroxygen
Dock: AWN
GTK: default
Wallpaper: Deviant Art

December 1st, 2008, 02:37 AM
Everything from gnomelook.org

Ubuntu 8.10

Metacity: Dust
GTK: Human
Font (Apps): Sans 10
Font (Terminal): Monospace 12
Icons: Mashup
Wall: 49866-PaperChristmasFull.png

Sunday 30 November 2008

Running Compiz Fusion and Emerald

December 1st, 2008, 05:24 AM
Theme for Firefox (Or Vimperator as it were) is Full Flat, using xmobar and XMonad (config files available upon request, they're actually quite shoddy).

December 1st, 2008, 06:17 AM
Dust Theme (package: community-themes)
Wallpaper is "Dawn of Ubuntu", it's in the repos somewhere, search for "wallpaper"
Fonts are liberation fonts (package: ttf-liberation)

Sorry the forums forced the screenshot as a JPEG

December 1st, 2008, 06:49 AM
Not quite December in my neck of the woods, but finally got around to finishing (sort of) my Fvwm configuration.

Xubuntu 8.10, Fvwm, mostly the Eikon theme.

December 1st, 2008, 07:15 AM
This month's screenshots, fresh Intrepid-64 install on a brand new Phenom desktop.

December 1st, 2008, 07:17 AM
This month's screenshots, fresh Intrepid-64 install on a brand new Phenom desktop.

nice wallpaper, could you share it? 4chan :lolflag:

December 1st, 2008, 07:20 AM
nice wallpaper, could you share it? 4chan :lolflag:

Sure, I've attached it.

Giant Speck
December 1st, 2008, 07:25 AM
Working on a colored modifications of my Manganite theme. I plan on making a red mod, a green mod, and an orange mod, as well as a set of light-color mods. I think my Manganite theme is a really good base to work with.

Here is my red modification so far:

December 1st, 2008, 07:32 AM
Ready for your brain to explode into candy clouds?

http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/2083/gardevoirscreeniedec08nw2.th.jpg (http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gardevoirscreeniedec08nw2.jpg)

OS: Xubuntu 8.04.1
GTK: Cherry Gummy (http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Cherry+Gummy?content=93444)
XFWM theme: Symphony
Wallpaper: No name (part of the Colored Cube (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Colored+Cube+?content=94100) set on Gnome-Look)
Icons: Oxygen-Refit 2 Red (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen-Refit+2+-+Red+Version?content=84890)
XMMS theme: Axlar (http://www.winamp.com/skins/details/147890) Winamp skin

Running applications: XMMS, conky, xfce4-terminal

Giant Speck
December 1st, 2008, 07:41 AM
Ready for your brain to explode into candy clouds?

http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/2083/gardevoirscreeniedec08nw2.th.jpg (http://img116.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gardevoirscreeniedec08nw2.jpg)

OS: Xubuntu 8.04.1
GTK: Cherry Gummy (http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/Cherry+Gummy?content=93444)
XFWM theme: Symphony
Wallpaper: No name (part of the Colored Cube (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Colored+Cube+?content=94100) set on Gnome-Look)
Icons: Oxygen-Refit 2 Red (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygen-Refit+2+-+Red+Version?content=84890)
XMMS theme: Axlar (http://www.winamp.com/skins/details/147890) Winamp skin

Running applications: XMMS, conky, xfce4-terminal

I think my brain has diabetes now.


December 1st, 2008, 09:33 AM

December 1st, 2008, 09:44 AM
Okay, I just ported my XFWM4 theme to Emerald (Painfully, I might add; Emerald manager locking up every time I changed something) so why do I keep getting these buggy transparent pixels in the titlebar?


You can see them just to the right of the actual window title.

Anyway, first desktop of Dec:

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2967/compdeskxj5.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2967/compdeskxj5.png)

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4755/compdeskdm1.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4755/compdeskdm1.png)

December 1st, 2008, 11:04 AM
Ive been running this setup for a while now....if its not broke, dont fix it..

ubuntu sunrise ... http://www.libertymanor.org/sunrise.png

December 1st, 2008, 11:42 AM
Ive been running this setup for a while now....if its not broke, dont fix it..

ubuntu sunrise ... http://www.libertymanor.org/sunrise.png

Firstly, "file not found".

Secondly, I doubt that was a thumbnail. Post a thumbnail in [img] tags and post a link to the full-size image.

December 1st, 2008, 03:27 PM
Okay, I just ported my XFWM4 theme to Emerald (Painfully, I might add; Emerald manager locking up every time I changed something) so why do I keep getting these buggy transparent pixels in the titlebar?


You can see them just to the right of the actual window title.

Anyway, first desktop of Dec:

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2967/compdeskxj5.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2967/compdeskxj5.png)

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4755/compdeskdm1.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4755/compdeskdm1.png)

Nice wall, would you post a link to it?

December 1st, 2008, 03:29 PM
CBFed, about to go to bed. A few other people should be able to find it, though. I originally nabbed it off WIIAN? when someone else asked for it about a month ago.

December 1st, 2008, 04:03 PM
^^ almost 2009. Heres a "Kill Fett" wall i made last night. Don't laugh it's my first homemade wallpaper (lol, greyscale not very creative but all from scratch nonetheless). Using modified overglossed gtk2 and black and white icons.

That background for conky is part of the wallpaper so heres my conkyrc for reference.

alignment top_right
maximum_width 200
background no
border_width 0
cpu_avg_samples 1
default_color black
default_outline_color grey
default_shade_color dark grey
draw_borders yes
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades no
use_xft yes
xftfont HandelGotD:size=9
xftalpha 0.5
gap_x 4
gap_y 0
minimum_size 5 5
net_avg_samples 2
no_buffers yes
out_to_console no
own_window yes
own_window_class Conky
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
stippled_borders 0
update_interval 1
uppercase no
use_spacer left
alignment top_right
double_buffer yes


${font :size=16}${color}${alignc}${time %I:%M:%S %p}$color $font
${font :size=12}${color}${alignc}${time %A, %B %e, %G}$color$font

SYSTEM ${color FFC033}$hr${color white}
OS:${alignr}${color white}Ubuntu 8.04
Uptime:${alignr}${color white}$uptime_short
Processes:${alignr}${color white}${running_processes} of ${processes}
AC Power:${alignr}${acpiacadapter}

${color black}CPU ${color FFC033}${hr}${color white}
Frequency:${alignr}${color white}$freq MHz
CPU Usage:${alignr}${color white}${cpu}% ${cpubar cpu0 5,50}
CPU Temp:${alignr}${color white}${acpitempf}°F

${color black}MEMORY ${color FFC033}$hr
${color white}RAM:
${alignc}Using $mem of $memmax
${membar 5}

${alignc}Using ${fs_used /dev/sda5} of ${fs_size /dev/sda5}
${fs_bar 5 /dev/sda5}

${color black}DISKS ${color FFC033}$hr${color}
${color white}/:$alignr ${color white}${fs_used /} of ${fs_size /}
${fs_bar 5 /}
${color white}/home:$alignr ${color white}${fs_used /home} of ${fs_size /home}
${fs_bar 5 /home}
${color} Read:${color}${diskio_read} ${alignr}${color}Write:${color}${diskio_write}
${diskiograph_read 15,95 000000 ffffff} ${alignr}${diskiograph_write 15,95 000000 ffffff}
${color black}NETWORK ${color FFC033}$hr${color}
${color white}${alignc}Local IP: ${addr ath0}
${color white}${alignc}Public IP: ${execi 3600 wget -O - http://whatismyip.org/ | tail}
${color black}Down: ${color}${downspeed ath0}Kb/s${color grey}${alignr}${color}Up: ${color}${upspeed ath0}Kb/s${color}
${upspeedgraph ath0 15,95 000000 ffffff} ${alignr}${downspeedgraph ath0 15,95 000000 ffffff}

${color}Inbound: ${tcp_portmon 1 32767 count} ${alignr}${color}Outbound: ${tcp_portmon 32768 61000 count}
Total: ${totaldown eth0} ${alignr}Total: ${totalup ath0}
${color white}$hr

heres a link to the wallpaper

chucky chuckaluck
December 1st, 2008, 04:09 PM
hey, something urse, which window manager is that?

December 1st, 2008, 04:21 PM
Gnome, but it looks nice w/ openbox too.

December 1st, 2008, 04:29 PM
Got bored with bright colors, back to something darker :

http://ayozone.org/wp-content/gallery/screenshots-december-2008/thumbs/thumbs_01122008.png (http://ayozone.org/gallery/screenshots-december-2008/)

December 1st, 2008, 06:00 PM
I am back on the Openbox bandwagon.
http://arch.kimag.es/resized/2422158.png (http://arch.kimag.es/share/2422158.png)
dirty (http://arch.kimag.es/share/2422158.png) | clean (http://arch.kimag.es/share/75117043.png)

chucky chuckaluck
December 1st, 2008, 06:21 PM
Got bored with bright colors, back to something darker :

http://ayozone.org/wp-content/gallery/screenshots-december-2008/thumbs/thumbs_01122008.png (http://ayozone.org/gallery/screenshots-december-2008/)

we're gonna need that wallpaper, my friend.

December 1st, 2008, 06:35 PM
I am back on the Openbox bandwagon.
dirty (http://arch.kimag.es/share/2422158.png) | clean (http://arch.kimag.es/share/75117043.png)

So minimal, way to go!

Coud I have your wallpaper?


Mine, as of now:

Wallpaper: self-made, "Le Martel de Fer"
Icons: Eikon2
GTK+: fresh2.0
Fluxbox: royalty

http://www.karthanis.net/limiteur-galerie.php?i=images/galeries/18/screen_actuel.png (http://www.karthanis.net/images/galeries/18/screen_actuel.png)

December 1st, 2008, 06:53 PM
we're gonna need that wallpaper, my friend.

here it is (http://www.zixpk.com/2008/10/groove-hd-wallpaper.html)

December 1st, 2008, 07:20 PM
Heres my screenshot, from lastnight.. so its close enough to December..

Ubuntu 8.10

December 1st, 2008, 07:22 PM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)

December 1st, 2008, 07:26 PM
Eeebuntu 8.04 on my Eeepc 900, running flubox.


http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08491/screen-0834.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08491&f=screen-0834.png)

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08491/pcman-0520.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08491&f=pcman-0520.png)

December 1st, 2008, 07:27 PM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)

Those are nice fonts you are using. What are they?

December 1st, 2008, 07:28 PM
Those are nice fonts you are using. What are they?

Myriad Pro SemiCondensed 8.5
dpi 96
subpixel smoothing (rgb )
hinting - none

December 1st, 2008, 07:44 PM
cold winter xfce desk

no need 4 a menu, usin two docks now, awn at bottom and autohided cairo dock at top of the screen
killed xfdesktop, so compiz manages the desks and i can use one wallpaper per workspace
tray in xfce-panel, workin as a widget in compiz
and some other settings too...

http://ubuntu-pics.de/thumb/6606/dannyxa1_A4ukjg.png (http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/6606/dannyxa1_A4ukjg.png) http://ubuntu-pics.de/thumb/6607/dannyxa2_RoADil.png (http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/6607/dannyxa2_RoADil.png) http://ubuntu-pics.de/thumb/6608/dannyxa3_K5ItEx.png (http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/6608/dannyxa3_K5ItEx.png)

hope u like it, plz give feedback, what to do better

bon appetit, narf

December 1st, 2008, 07:58 PM
OK - Here's my current look. May not be all that original but I dig it.

December 1st, 2008, 10:23 PM
Just showing this for the crazy wallpaper really. All very mainstream, gnome panels, Conky and that is the Walnut theme add-on in Thunderbird.


December 1st, 2008, 10:28 PM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)

Beautiful, my friend. I think we can close this thread now.:)


December 1st, 2008, 10:29 PM
Okay, I just ported my XFWM4 theme to Emerald (Painfully, I might add; Emerald manager locking up every time I changed something) so why do I keep getting these buggy transparent pixels in the titlebar?


You can see them just to the right of the actual window title.

Anyway, first desktop of Dec:

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2967/compdeskxj5.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/2967/compdeskxj5.png)

http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4755/compdeskdm1.png (http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/4755/compdeskdm1.png)

I suggest you upgrade to the new Eikon theme. It's much nicer (at least in my opinion.)

December 1st, 2008, 11:56 PM
First one for December

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08491/small-desktop548.jpg (http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08491/gkrellshoot_12-01-08_223723241.jpg)

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08491/small-desktop1129.jpg (http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08491/gkrellshoot_12-01-08_224436909.jpg)

os: abuntu
WM: openbox
gtk-theme:classic industrial
icons: nuovoEXT
panels: lxpanel
wallpaper: crystals (from interfacelift)

December 2nd, 2008, 12:13 AM
Could I have your wallpaper?
Of course, here you go. I set feh to tile it with feh --bg-tile:
http://arch.kimag.es/share/67754450.jpg (http://seikq.deviantart.com/art/black-mosaic-34015039)

December 2nd, 2008, 01:04 AM
Icons: Eikon
GTK: MurrinaMetallica (WIIAN?'s personal mod)
Background from Interfacelift
Gruppled Cursors from gnome-look.org
Antika font from somewhere

December 2nd, 2008, 01:11 AM
...and the screenshot.

December 2nd, 2008, 03:12 AM
Nice wall, would you post a link to it?

CBFed, about to go to bed. A few other people should be able to find it, though. I originally nabbed it off WIIAN? when someone else asked for it about a month ago.

Well since no one else CBFed either, I guess I'll find it and upload it:



I suggest you upgrade to the new Eikon theme. It's much nicer (at least in my opinion.) Okay then. WIIAN hasn't posted yet so anyone got a link to his drop.io account?

So no one can explain to me why Emerald is being gay in the pants with these weird distortions in the titebar?


December 2nd, 2008, 03:44 AM


Ubuntu 8.10

Metacity: Dust2
GTK: Dust2
Font (Apps): Droid Sans 11
Font (Terminal): Droid Sans Mono 10
Icons: Buuf-Deuce
Wall: v2y3jq.jpg

What is in a name?
December 2nd, 2008, 03:49 AM
Okay then. WIIAN hasn't posted yet so anyone got a link to his drop.io account?

By request of many good families... Ping.

Twilight in Zero
December 2nd, 2008, 03:53 AM
etnlIcarus, perhaps you should try porting to Metacity, and using GTK Window Decorator. Emerald is becoming deprecated anyways.

Two shots from me, light and dark. I'm using the dark version for now. I was hoping I could just use the same GTK (and metacity) for light and dark themes, but there's not enough contrast. D:

GTK: My own, called Twilight Murrina. Not published anywhere yet.
Metacity: Same as above.
Icons: GNOME
Font: Vera Sans 9, subpixel, slight autohint.

I'd try out some other fonts, and lose the hinting, but it irks me when I see mnemonic underlines that aren't horizontally aligned. Wish I could do something about that. D:

December 2nd, 2008, 04:01 AM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)

Is that wallpaper available without the text on it?

Giant Speck
December 2nd, 2008, 04:48 AM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)

That looks excellent!

I'm glad someone is enjoying my new theme!

I wanted to leave
December 2nd, 2008, 04:49 AM
As of today...

Vision Emerald (modified)
Etiqutte and Gnome-Updated icons
Wallpaper Ultimate_Strands from deviantart
Conky RSS and Conky Sys-Stats
Bottom right is Rhythmbox - desktop-art plugin

December 2nd, 2008, 04:50 AM
My first SliTaz desktop! The usual mix of dwm and conky, with somewhat lower grades from three days absent.

December 2nd, 2008, 06:26 AM
My New Aspire One Set up.
http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/8227/screenxc1.th.png (http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/8227/screenxc1.png)http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/6986/screenshotew7.th.png (http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/6986/screenshotew7.png)

December 2nd, 2008, 08:08 AM

does anyone know if its possible to make and use different Conky configurations for different desktop environments and window managers, and if, then how — I mean I'm using both Gnome and Fluxbox, and as you can see, what works for one does not necessarily work for the other.

Fluxbox: http://www.aijaa.com/img/t/00207/3178769.t.png (http://www.aijaa.com/v.php?i=3178769.png) Gnome: http://www.aijaa.com/img/t/00280/3178775.t.png (http://www.aijaa.com/v.php?i=3178775.png)

PFA my Fluxbox and Conky configuration files. P.S.( addition/edition) You see that if I fix it in Gnome...

http://www.aijaa.com/img/t/00065/3179056.t.png (http://www.aijaa.com/v.php?i=3179056.png) ... it's... http://www.aijaa.com/img/t/00713/3179072.t.png (http://www.aijaa.com/v.php?i=3179072.png)

... no longer nice in Fluxbox, and vice versa. NB: in the Tarball, the Conky config file is conky.conf, but I made a .conkyrc for my home folder just a few moments ago. As always, feel free to use and modify the config files!

P.S. I decided to make a new thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6293023) on this.

P.P.S. What a stupdid question. Its obvious answer:

conky --help
and then:

conky -c ~./<my-optional-conky-config-file>

P.P.P.S. Yet, maybe I could specify the Fluxbox-specific conf-file in Fluxbox's startup file, too...

P.P.P.P.S. Yes, it worked (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6293672&postcount=2)!

P.P.P.P.P.S. PFA my .fluxbox directory. Modify it as you like!
I never use emoticons, but here's an exception that proves the rule:


December 2nd, 2008, 09:09 AM
here's mine...

ubuntu with ubuntu studio theme, conky and cairo dock

December 2nd, 2008, 10:07 AM
*Incorrectly quoted* apologies

December 2nd, 2008, 10:09 AM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)

Very nice panel font.
Is there a similar font available? as i believe you have to pay hard cash to get that font :-(.
I have looked on Dafont but nothing cuts the mustard :(

December 2nd, 2008, 10:10 AM
os: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
WM: Gnome2
icons: mixed
dock: AWN
wallpaper: Thundercats
CM: Compiz
Widget: Screenlets

The panels and dock are on autohide but put them up for visual effect.

Thanks to the people who did all the work designing all these cool toys for my desktop and then giving it away for free. My XP install feels slow, restrictive and unresponsive by comparison now.

December 2nd, 2008, 10:20 AM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)


December 2nd, 2008, 10:47 AM
Giving tint2 another try.

Openbox 3.4.7, with the Mythos Gtk and Openbox theme, Corbel and Calibri fonts, and a recoloured wallpaper that I've had for ages and whose source is unknown.

chucky chuckaluck
December 2nd, 2008, 01:16 PM
openbox, pypanel, thunar, urxvt, green peace aurora gtk, allblack icons. the wallpaper has been slightly altered from the original.

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0925/mcar.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0925/mcar)

December 2nd, 2008, 01:39 PM
GTK & metacity = Dust http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Dust?content=88790

Icons = hydroxygen http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/hydroxygen_iconset?content=88575

wallpaper = wheathump (personal mod) http://manicho.deviantart.com/art/wheathump-desktopography-08-87922307

conky = therob http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Conky+[TheRob]?content=74972

screenlet = spdf http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Terminal+Screenlet?content=74844

Thanks to all the artists for their work so i can have the type of desktop i want.

Running on Ubuntu 8.04



December 2nd, 2008, 03:15 PM
Is that wallpaper available without the text on it?

I guess not.

That looks excellent!

I'm glad someone is enjoying my new theme!

Thanks :)
Your theme looks indeed fabulous.

Very nice panel font.
Is there a similar font available? as i believe you have to pay hard cash to get that font :-(.
I have looked on Dafont but nothing cuts the mustard :(

PM sent. :cool:


Thanks a lot!

December 2nd, 2008, 03:40 PM
My first SliTaz desktop!
How are you liking SliTaz?

December 2nd, 2008, 03:42 PM


Ubuntu 8.10

Metacity: Dust2
GTK: Dust2
Font (Apps): Droid Sans 11
Font (Terminal): Droid Sans Mono 10
Icons: Buuf-Deuce
Wall: v2y3jq.jpg

Is that custom CSS for Last.fm or something else? Could you possibly link/up it? ( I hope will work in Opera ASAP).


December 2nd, 2008, 03:46 PM
Well my desktop and notebook haven't change much. But I did redo my EeeBox over the Thanksgiving weekend, a fresh install with Xubuntu 8.10 and nothing on top of it is except for Boxee (http://www.boxee.tv). It is now my media center. Boxee is cool, and it is on a path of becoming awesome. ;)

December 2nd, 2008, 03:58 PM
http://th06.deviantart.com/fs38/300W/f/2008/336/1/3/There_Was_A_Time_by_solidslash.png (http://solidslash.deviantart.com/art/There-Was-A-Time-105143425)
Very cool setup!

December 2nd, 2008, 05:08 PM
Okay, this is the final "kill fett" wallpaper, much simpler. Using pekwm w/ mirev2-grey theme and a modified overglossed gtk2. Default tint2 taskbar.


Photobucket is being a pain for some reason. If anyone wants this wallpaper let me know.

December 2nd, 2008, 05:15 PM
The shape is oddly familiar.

What is it?

December 2nd, 2008, 05:18 PM
lol you dont know who boba fett is? Nvm, if you see this guy, and he doesn't have my 20$.. blow his head off.

December 2nd, 2008, 05:26 PM
Yeah, I know who Bobba Fett is :p I just don't recall his "shirt" looking so ragged.

December 2nd, 2008, 05:30 PM
O lol, hes got like a tattered shoulder-cape thing.

December 2nd, 2008, 06:14 PM
First screen of the month

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/2008-12-02-181456_1680x1050_scrot510.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=2008-12-02-181456_1680x1050_scrot510.png)

December 2nd, 2008, 07:10 PM
One week later and I'm still using Openbox :p
Also, the weather is abysmal around here, so I'm using warm, summer backgrounds to cheer me up :)

December 2nd, 2008, 07:58 PM
First screen of the month

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/2008-12-02-181456_1680x1050_scrot510.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=2008-12-02-181456_1680x1050_scrot510.png)

How you liking the switch from Fvwm to Fvwm-Crystal?

December 2nd, 2008, 08:25 PM
I've been designing some icons for my dock. I especially like my new Gimp icon (it's the painter's palette). The default Gimp icon is ugly as sin.

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/desktop825.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=desktop825.png)

December 2nd, 2008, 09:53 PM
I've been designing some icons for my dock. I especially like my new Gimp icon (it's the painter's palette). The default Gimp icon is ugly as sin.

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/desktop825.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=desktop825.png)

They decoration theme you using is that for kwin our you use compiz? Because i like it and hope it is also available in lighter colours.

December 2nd, 2008, 09:58 PM
I've been designing some icons for my dock. I especially like my new Gimp icon (it's the painter's palette). The default Gimp icon is ugly as sin.

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/desktop825.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=desktop825.png)

what dock are you using?

December 2nd, 2008, 10:14 PM
They decoration theme you using is that for kwin our you use compiz? Because i like it and hope it is also available in lighter colours.

It is an emerald theme. I do have a version in lighter colors. I'm not sure how much lighter you're talking about. I could be convinced to port it to deKorator if you're interested. Here's a screenshot of the light version.
http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/dlight906.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=dlight906.png)

what dock are you using?

The dock is cairo dock.

December 3rd, 2008, 01:45 AM
It is an emerald theme. I do have a version in lighter colors. I'm not sure how much lighter you're talking about. I could be convinced to port it to deKorator if you're interested. Here's a screenshot of the light version.
http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/dlight906.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=dlight906.png)

The dock is cairo dock.

The buttons shadows looks almost perfect in this one, but comboboxes (or dropdownmenus) have a look that make me think of an entry box.

December 3rd, 2008, 01:54 AM
Xubuntu 8.10, Openbox PeLo theme (on deviantart), eikons, tint2 and trayer. Running xcompmgr jsut to see how it looks. Don't use Awesome, but I liked the wallpaper.


December 3rd, 2008, 02:11 AM
Okay, this is the final "kill fett" wallpaper, much simpler.
If you want it to not look so rough around the edges, you could use the pen tool to trace an outline and then fill it.

December 3rd, 2008, 02:32 AM
Spupy... where can i collect that background.


OS: Gentoo
WM: Fluxbox
WM Theme: Deviant Blue (Deviant Fluxbox)
GTK theme: Vorta (http://fratrip.deviantart.com/art/Vorta-Suite-87991631)
icons: Tango & Gnome
dock: Rox with some scripts I made
wallpaper: parket.png (no source, sorry)

1st screen: clean desktop. There is a hidden toolbar up there.
2nd: Conky setup for mpd and control buttons appear when music is playing. There is sonata, and a modified version of pidgin.

December 3rd, 2008, 03:18 AM
Info in dirty screenshot.

December 3rd, 2008, 03:39 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/supersonicdarky/dec08_thumb.png (http://supersonicdarky.deviantart.com/art/December-2008-105274420)
os: sidux amd64
wm: openbox
theme: Bamboo (modified)
gtk: T3K
Wall: unno

running: conky, screenlets, pcmanfm

December 3rd, 2008, 04:42 AM
Wallpaper: Fresh Morning (http://thewallpaperhunter.com/nature/miscellaneous/wallpapers/fresh-morning-drop-37.php)
GTK/Metacity: Shiki-Wise
Icons: GNOME-Colors Wise

December 3rd, 2008, 04:50 AM
Trying out Gnome again in Gentoo after a long rest period and it makes me remember why I stopped using it in the first place ;)

December 3rd, 2008, 05:35 AM
How are you liking SliTaz?
I'm liking it a lot. I replaced my Arch with it, and I've been very impressed so far. All I have to do is get cplay set up and it'll be perfect.

December 3rd, 2008, 05:51 AM

http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/7601/screenshotrq7.th.png (http://img142.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotrq7.png)

December 3rd, 2008, 05:59 AM
Is that custom CSS for Last.fm or something else? Could you possibly link/up it? ( I hope will work in Opera ASAP).


It's a style for the Stylish Firefox addon, so I don't think that it will work with Opera :(

December 3rd, 2008, 06:14 AM
It's a style for the Stylish Firefox addon, so I don't think that it will work with Opera :(

Opera can load custom styles.

Giant Speck
December 3rd, 2008, 06:18 AM
Opera can load custom styles.

Yeah, but can they upload Stylish styles? Is there some way of accessing what changes Stylish does to the CSS of the page and applying it in Opera?

I don't use Opera. I'm just curious. :p

December 3rd, 2008, 06:40 AM
Yeah, but can they upload Stylish styles? Is there some way of accessing what changes Stylish does to the CSS of the page and applying it in Opera?

I don't use Opera. I'm just curious. :p

Yes, you have to enable custom styles. Here's an example, dark userstyles.org:

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/usercss371.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=usercss371.png)

Not every style will work, but a lot of them do.

Giant Speck
December 3rd, 2008, 06:49 AM
Yes, you have to enable custom styles. Here's an example, dark userstyles.org:

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/usercss371.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=usercss371.png)

Not every style will work, but a lot of them do.


Is that what that "load as user style" button is for? I was wondering what that was for. I thought it was for Greasemonkey or something.

December 3rd, 2008, 06:51 AM

Is that what that "load as user style" button is for? I was wondering what that was for. I thought it was for Greasemonkey or something.

Yes. That works with Greasemonkey and Opera. :p

December 3rd, 2008, 07:45 AM
nice and simple :)

December 3rd, 2008, 08:04 AM
It is an emerald theme. I do have a version in lighter colors. I'm not sure how much lighter you're talking about. I could be convinced to port it to deKorator if you're interested. Here's a screenshot of the light version.
http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/dlight906.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=dlight906.png)

The dock is cairo dock.
Looks sexy, deKorator also for kde4? if so i will love you :D

December 3rd, 2008, 08:05 AM
If you want it to not look so rough around the edges, you could use the pen tool to trace an outline and then fill it.

Well, thats actually just the resolution, it's really smooth looking on my desktop =)

http://www.upload.mn/view/nj13rdee8eh8xbwgasu1.png <--- full res

a little better but it still looks pixellated @ 1280x1024.

http://www.upload.mn/files/nj13rdee8eh8xbwgasu1_thumb.png (http://www.upload.mn/viewe/nj13rdee8eh8xbwgasu1.png)

by the way, i am absolutely in love with pekwm now! If you guys havent tried it i highly recommend getting the latest svn!

Giant Speck
December 3rd, 2008, 08:25 AM
Got a new wallpaper, installed the Rhythmbox Desktop Art plugin, started using Cairo-Dock again, and installed some sweet new Screenlets.

Also, I've been working on a green version of Manganite.

Again, no name here until release. For now it's just Murrina Dark Project Green.

Lord DarkPat
December 3rd, 2008, 09:06 AM
I doubt my wm setup ever changes, but oh well


GTK = Candido
Icon = OxygenRefit2 - Orange

December 3rd, 2008, 09:17 AM
Can anyone suggest custom icons for the remaining plain folders in my home folder?

el mariachi
December 3rd, 2008, 09:38 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/supersonicdarky/dec08_thumb.png (http://supersonicdarky.deviantart.com/art/December-2008-105274420)
os: sidux amd64
wm: openbox
theme: Bamboo (modified)
gtk: T3K
Wall: unno

running: conky, screenlets, pcmanfm
could you share you conky?
like the setup a lot :D

wished I had a *real* dell monitor :(

Sand & Mercury
December 3rd, 2008, 10:46 AM
could you share you conky?
like the setup a lot :D

wished I had a *real* dell monitor :(
Upload of that wallpaper would also be great. :D

December 3rd, 2008, 01:23 PM
could you share you conky?
like the setup a lot :D

wished I had a *real* dell monitor :(

background yes
double_buffer yes
use_xft yes

default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
own_window_transparent yes

own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

draw_borders no
border_margin 0
draw_shades no

gap_x 5
gap_y 59

alignment bottom_right

update_interval 0.5

default_color ffffff

use_xft no
xftfont silkscreen:pixelsize=8

use_spacer no
minimum_size 200 10

${alignr}${time %A}, ${color c4cbff}${time %b %d %Y}${color}
${alignr}Up: ${color c4cbff}${uptime_short}${color}
${alignr}Cpu: ${color c4cbff}${cpu}% ${color}${cpugraph 8,30}
${alignr}${color }Mem: ${color c4cbff}$memperc% ${color}
${alignr}/: ${color c4cbff}${fs_used_perc /}%${color} | /data: ${color c4cbff}${fs_used_perc /media/data}%${color} | /ext: ${color c4cbff}${fs_used_perc /media/ext}%${color}
${alignr}Down: ${color c4cbff}${downspeed wlan0} ${color}k/s ${downspeedgraph wlan0 8,30}
${alignr}Up: ${color c4cbff}${upspeed wlan0}${color} k/s ${upspeedgraph wlan0 8,30}
${alignr}Currently ${color c4cbff}${execi 600 python ~/scripts/weather.py CAXX0343 c t} ${color}C, ${color c4cbff}${execi 600 python ~/scripts/weather.py CAXX0343 c c}

background yes
double_buffer yes
use_xft yes

default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
own_window_transparent yes

own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

draw_borders no
border_margin 0

draw_shades no

gap_x 10
gap_y 935
alignment top_left

update_interval 0.5

default_color ffffff

use_xft no
xftfont silkscreen:pixelsize=8
minimum_size 300 50


${if_running mpd}$mpd_smart
$mpd_status $mpd_elapsed/$mpd_length
${mpd_bar 4,100}

Upload of that wallpaper would also be great. :D

December 3rd, 2008, 02:27 PM
http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08493/screenshot473.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08493&f=screenshot473.png)

December 3rd, 2008, 02:37 PM
Looks sexy, deKorator also for kde4? if so i will love you :D

Yes, deKorator is also for KDE 4. It's in the package, kwin-style-dekorator. I've ported my theme to it. It's not pixel perfect, but it's pretty close.

December 3rd, 2008, 02:44 PM
Opera can load custom styles.

It's a style for the Stylish Firefox addon, so I don't think that it will work with Opera :(

Yeah, but can they upload Stylish styles? Is there some way of accessing what changes Stylish does to the CSS of the page and applying it in Opera?

I don't use Opera. I'm just curious. :p

Yes, you have to enable custom styles. Here's an example, dark userstyles.org:

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08492/usercss371.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08492&f=usercss371.png)

Not every style will work, but a lot of them do.


Is that what that "load as user style" button is for? I was wondering what that was for. I thought it was for Greasemonkey or something.

Yes. That works with Greasemonkey and Opera. :p

Yes, that's what I all meant.
There should be somewhere that css ( or code for this) ( add-on folder?). I'd be gratefull for file or at least name that style. Looks way better than this crapy red or black/white skin.


December 3rd, 2008, 03:21 PM
Yes, that's what I all meant.
There should be somewhere that css ( or code for this) ( add-on folder?). I'd be gratefull for file or at least name that style. Looks way better than this crapy red or black/white skin.


You should have a folder ~/.opera/styles/user/ where you can drop custom css files. To apply them to the site, you have to right click on the site and select 'Edit Site Preferences', click the Display tab and select your custom style sheet and then in the menubar click View-->Style and select user mode. It's complicated, I know, but loading greasemonkey scripts is relatively easy. Go to Tools-->Preferences-->Advanced-->Content and click the "Javascript Options" button. At the bottom there is a box, "User JS Files". You have to enter a directory. I make a directory ~/.opera/userjs/ and use that. Then on userstyles.org when you see the "Load as userjs" button, you can click that and save the file in ~/.opera/userjs/ and the next time you go to the site, it will be applied.

December 3rd, 2008, 03:24 PM
Fresh Gentoo with fvwm-crystal

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08493/2008-12-03-152251_1680x1050_scrot519.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08493&f=2008-12-03-152251_1680x1050_scrot519.png)

Sand & Mercury
December 3rd, 2008, 03:37 PM
Thank you very much!

December 3rd, 2008, 04:38 PM
You should have a folder ~/.opera/styles/user/ where you can drop custom css files. To apply them to the site, you have to right click on the site and select 'Edit Site Preferences', click the Display tab and select your custom style sheet and then in the menubar click View-->Style and select user mode. It's complicated, I know, but loading greasemonkey scripts is relatively easy. Go to Tools-->Preferences-->Advanced-->Content and click the "Javascript Options" button. At the bottom there is a box, "User JS Files". You have to enter a directory. I make a directory ~/.opera/userjs/ and use that. Then on userstyles.org when you see the "Load as userjs" button, you can click that and save the file in ~/.opera/userjs/ and the next time you go to the site, it will be applied.

I was asking mrgnash for name of theme/css/code file, not for tutorial. I know how it works already ;). Question marks are there cuz I'm not sure about where FF holds its add-on files ( I'm not fan of Gecko at all).
But thank you for effort of explaining tho.


chucky chuckaluck
December 3rd, 2008, 05:12 PM
openbox, pypanel (deadbinkies font), e17 detour aurora gtk. if i recall correctly, the wallpaper is a daido moriyama photo.

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0156/planescr.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0156/planescr)

December 3rd, 2008, 05:28 PM
You sure do love your deadbinkies :lol:

chucky chuckaluck
December 3rd, 2008, 05:45 PM
You sure do love your deadbinkies :lol:

the only good binky is a dead binky.

December 3rd, 2008, 07:17 PM
Openbox with pypanel
GTK = nova-blue
Openbox theme = elegant brit
Icons = black and white
wallpaper = cant remember but could find out if someone really wants it
conky = awesome setup done by someone else, i forget who but i'm fairly sure they are in these forums somewhere

December 3rd, 2008, 08:37 PM
Changed my new set up.
Edited Murrina-Charcoal

http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/5989/screenshottt4.th.png (http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/5989/screenshottt4.png)http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2540/screenshot1bm7.th.png (http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/2540/screenshot1bm7.png)

December 3rd, 2008, 09:07 PM
Using my new gtk =P


December 3rd, 2008, 10:01 PM
Theme: UbuntuStudio, Dust borders
Dock: AWN
Icons: Glass-Icons
Wallpaper: Somewhere on desktopnexus.com (http://www.desktopnexus.com)
Mix and match conky with a few modifications

December 3rd, 2008, 11:20 PM
Using my new gtk =P


Playbill is an awesome theme. Openbox in action with Playbill gtk.

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08493/2008-12-04-071901_1680x1050_scrot434.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08493&f=2008-12-04-071901_1680x1050_scrot434.png)

December 3rd, 2008, 11:45 PM
http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/856/firesale2zp2.th.png (http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/856/firesale2zp2.png)

Wallpaper's called Colorfast, and it's on Interfacelift.

As for the Xfwm4 and GTK themes, they're tentatively called "Firesale", and I haven't released them yet. Got to nip a couple of bugs first. They might look familiar to some of you already, though.

December 3rd, 2008, 11:47 PM
(Accidental doublepost, staff please kill it)

December 3rd, 2008, 11:52 PM
(Yet another accidental post, someone please delete it)

December 4th, 2008, 12:40 AM
Ubuntu 8.10 using the compiz snow plugin and the Shiki-Colours theme

Twilight in Zero
December 4th, 2008, 01:06 AM
Not much different from my previous screenshot. Font, icons. Song/browser in Quod Libet. (+ showing off Version tag) I ended up separating a dark version of my GTK from the light one, and I might end up submitting my theme to gnome-look soon.

DE: Gnome
WM: Compiz
GTK: Twilight Dark Murrina. My own theme, not yet published.
Metacity: Same as above.
Icons: Eikon
Font: Petita Medium 9, no hinting (Sans 9 on window borders)

December 4th, 2008, 01:07 AM
Playbill is an awesome theme. Openbox in action with Playbill gtk.

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08493/2008-12-04-071901_1680x1050_scrot434.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08493&f=2008-12-04-071901_1680x1050_scrot434.png)

Thanks man! Nice shot ;)

December 4th, 2008, 03:50 AM




December 4th, 2008, 05:19 AM
conky = awesome setup done by someone else, i forget who but i'm fairly sure they are in these forums somewhere
That would be What is in a name?'s conky config, I guess...

December 4th, 2008, 05:40 AM
EEEPC 1000. Gentoo with fvwm. gtk is playbill blue.

http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08493/2008-12-04-053109_1024x600_scrot383.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08493&f=2008-12-04-053109_1024x600_scrot383.png)

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08493/2008-12-04-053425_1024x600_scrot842.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08493&f=2008-12-04-053425_1024x600_scrot842.png)

December 4th, 2008, 05:49 AM
the only good binky is a dead binky.

Right-ho! See my updated desktop font and thanks again for the tip.

http://www.aijaa.com/img/t/00464/3189313.t.png (http://www.aijaa.com/v.php?i=3189313.png)

December 4th, 2008, 05:50 AM
my desktop today

i cannot seem to see the full picture clicking on it.
how exactly i should put my desktop .png file here?

December 4th, 2008, 05:56 AM
Thanks man! Nice shot ;)

thanx mate. check out my eee pc shot with playbill blue

December 4th, 2008, 05:57 AM
my desktop today

i cannot seem to see the full picture clicking on it.
how exactly i should put my desktop .png file here?

everything is fine mate. u have to click again on the popup image ur cull screen will open in a new tab

December 4th, 2008, 06:12 AM
Openbox with pypanel
GTK = nova-blue
Openbox theme = elegant brit
Icons = black and white
wallpaper = cant remember but could find out if someone really wants it
conky = awesome setup done by someone else, i forget who but i'm fairly sure they are in these forums somewhere

could i get your wallpaper?

December 4th, 2008, 10:17 AM
That would be What is in a name?'s conky config, I guess...

thats the one, thanks for that. i wanted to give full credit to them but couldnt remember where i got it from

December 4th, 2008, 10:21 AM
could i get your wallpaper?

ok i found it finally. it's calle 5:37am. i didnt want to just post the image so here is the deviantart page from user Phsychopulse


December 4th, 2008, 01:48 PM


Ubuntu 8.10

Metacity: DarkRoom
GTK: DarkRoom
Font (Apps): Droid Sans 11
Font (Terminal): Droid Sans Mono 10
Icons: Buuf-Deuce
Wall: Aguilera_Wallpaper_by_messenjah14.jpg

December 4th, 2008, 04:36 PM

December 4th, 2008, 07:43 PM
eee pc. openbox as wm


http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08494/2008-12-04-193444_1024x600_scrot282.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08494&f=2008-12-04-193444_1024x600_scrot282.png)


http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08494/2008-12-04-193751_1024x600_scrot379.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08494&f=2008-12-04-193751_1024x600_scrot379.png)

chucky chuckaluck
December 4th, 2008, 07:56 PM
openbox, pypanel, urxvt, blackwhite ob, ion gtk. don't remember where i got the wallpaper (i inverted the colors from the original).

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0572/fishscr.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0572/fishscr)

December 4th, 2008, 08:26 PM
You should have a folder ~/.opera/styles/user/ where you can drop custom css files. To apply them to the site, you have to right click on the site and select 'Edit Site Preferences', click the Display tab and select your custom style sheet and then in the menubar click View-->Style and select user mode. It's complicated, I know, but loading greasemonkey scripts is relatively easy. Go to Tools-->Preferences-->Advanced-->Content and click the "Javascript Options" button. At the bottom there is a box, "User JS Files". You have to enter a directory. I make a directory ~/.opera/userjs/ and use that. Then on userstyles.org when you see the "Load as userjs" button, you can click that and save the file in ~/.opera/userjs/ and the next time you go to the site, it will be applied.

If it's not working ( actualy that style didn't work from start), go with this tutorial( for anyone intrested) (http://www.lastfm.pl/group/Last.fm+CSS+Color+Changer/forum/30401/_/253097)
Style needs some workin on it too, tho. Bah work for later on :popcorn:.

For now SS from XP-box

Giant Speck
December 4th, 2008, 08:30 PM
I wish they had styles like that for Pandora Radio. :(

December 4th, 2008, 08:35 PM

Very nice.
could you give some details?

December 4th, 2008, 09:04 PM
My current desktop.

OS: Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit
Dock: awn
Theme: SlicknesS
Icons: black-white 2
Background: http://flickr.com/photos/45984696@N00/3023281511/

December 4th, 2008, 09:11 PM
I wish they had styles like that for Pandora Radio. :(

In Opera this style will work for any site, if you follow that link( edit script and save as CSS file).
In FireFox just edit this section

@-moz-document url
for other links in style file( you can do that via plugin options).

Could not work full but after some polishing moves can be easy done.


Giant Speck
December 4th, 2008, 09:20 PM
Testing out a new wallpaper and stuff:

Wallpaper: Clear sky, wonderful stars (http://andrei030.deviantart.com/art/Clear-sky-wonderful-stars-105355371)
GTK: Manganite (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Manganite?content=94173)
Emerald: Manganite (http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Manganite+Emerald?content=94174)
Dock: Cairo-dock
Screenlets: Infobox
Rhythmbox Desktop Art plugin
Font: MgOpen Cosmetica 9

December 4th, 2008, 10:56 PM
KDE 4.1.80 (4.2 beta)
all normal stuff
Window style - skulpture stone.

December 4th, 2008, 10:56 PM
Wallpaper's called Colorfast, and it's on Interfacelift.

As for the Xfwm4 and GTK themes, they're tentatively called "Firesale", and I haven't released them yet. Got to nip a couple of bugs first. They might look familiar to some of you already, though.

Thought I recognized that look, DieHard4 was pretty awesome

chucky chuckaluck
December 5th, 2008, 01:21 AM
openbox, pypanel, urxvt and thanks to my good friend, ralphie, for hooking me up with the pic for my wallpaper (he uses it for his av, too).

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0918/emantscr.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0918/emantscr)

December 5th, 2008, 01:24 AM
Not sure about the colors yet and I think the widgets at the top right could use some color too.

Giant Speck
December 5th, 2008, 01:57 AM
Okay, so I decided to try out KDE 4.2 Beta 1 on Kubuntu.

So far, everything is working fine EXCEPT plasmoids on the desktop. Every time I try to add a widget to the desktop it freezes Plasma and I have to restart it.

For some reason, when I upgraded to KDE 4.2, it tried to install kde4libs-bin, but failed because it said that kde4libs-bin needed kdelibs5 (4:4.1.2-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa2), whereas kdelibs5 (4:4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2) is installed. The main problem with that is, is that a there are a few programs from the upgrade that rely on the newer version of kdelibs5 and would be uninstalled if I was to force-version kdelibs5.

Bottom line: It looks pretty, but doesn't work completely correctly.

Screenshot time:

December 5th, 2008, 01:58 AM


nice icons

try using gimp to remove the white backgrounds.

colour select tool (little pointing hand with 3 colour buttons)
then use eraser to remove all white.

will look cool :)

December 5th, 2008, 02:55 AM
GTK/Metacity: Elegant Brit
Icons: Eikon 2

December 5th, 2008, 04:53 AM
Did some theme editing. Took a bit to get the min/max/close buttons to look right.
http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/839/screenshot4hl9.th.png (http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/839/screenshot4hl9.png)http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7499/screenshot3yc1.th.png (http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7499/screenshot3yc1.png)

Giant Speck
December 5th, 2008, 04:59 AM
Did some theme editing. Took a bit to get the min/max/close buttons to look right.
http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/839/screenshot4hl9.th.png (http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/839/screenshot4hl9.png)http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7499/screenshot3yc1.th.png (http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/7499/screenshot3yc1.png)

I love the composition of that photograph. The two different vanishing points (the road and the lines in the field) give it an interesting effect.

Oh! And that theme is nice, too! :p

December 5th, 2008, 05:21 AM
Wallpaper: "Wood Floor" don't remember where I got it...
GTK: Clearlooks Human Dark
Emerald: Lux
Font: Bauhaus
Icons: Eikon
Conky: custom made

December 5th, 2008, 05:41 AM
I love the composition of that photograph. The two different vanishing points (the road and the lines in the field) give it an interesting effect.

Oh! And that theme is nice, too! :p

Thanks a lot.

The wall is from a set on DeviantArt (http://myinqi.deviantart.com/gallery/#Widescreen-Wallpapers). There are quite a few just like it.

December 5th, 2008, 07:30 AM
My new Fluxbox Wallpaper here (http://tpspace.net63.net/?page_id=194)

December 5th, 2008, 07:35 AM
screenshot a

left conky (devilspie) :
conkyRhythmbox (top)
conky lyrics script (by eightmillion)
Rhythmbox desktop art plugin (bottom)

right conky (devilspie) :
bla bla bla (top)
conkyweather (by kaivalagi)
stalonetray (bottom)

AWN with "GlassDark" icons (music controles:default with inverted colours)
wallpaper: default ibex
skydome (Compiz) : plain ubuntu (stolen from someone in this forum, either in mockups, screenshots or conky stuff...)
reflection (Compiz) : I call it goodhead.jpg... (says "alienrevision pirate dollie precurser" on it?)
gives a cool layered effect on rotation :)

screenshot b
Firefox icons: Camifox 1.4
Emerald: LightCoffee2.0 (edited a bit)/and some Darkroom...
Avatar Factory, for music icons...

screenshot c+d
The cool effect that the reflection can give...

December 5th, 2008, 09:05 AM
heres myen

Giant Speck
December 5th, 2008, 09:08 AM
heres myen

What are those on your desktop? Some kind of screenlet?

December 5th, 2008, 09:15 AM
Openbox - Shiki (With modifications)
GTK - Shiki-Wise
Icons - Eikon 2
Wallpaper - Lazy Days 2 (interfacelift.com)
Task/Panel - pypanel

December 5th, 2008, 10:15 AM
Two screens on the Acer Aspire One, the upper one is an external monitor.

December 5th, 2008, 11:25 AM
http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/5550/dpispazut0.th.png (http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/5550/dpispazut0.png)

No one knows how to fix Qt4's font DPI, do they?

December 5th, 2008, 04:13 PM
Openbox = Elegant Brit
GTK = Nova Blue
Icons = All Grey
Wall = some random tile from deviantart
conky (config by "Whats in a name")
Decibel Audio Player

December 5th, 2008, 05:54 PM
Wallpaper: AéroBlack (Attatched)
Dock: Avant Window Navigator (AWN) with customized icons
Theme: Black and Simple
Player: Banshee

December 5th, 2008, 07:17 PM
Here's mine. Its simple as I'm not too familiar with Ubuntu customizations yet. Still got to figure out how to customize Conky to my needs, add additional themes and etc.

December 5th, 2008, 07:55 PM
Here's mine. Its simple as I'm not too familiar with Ubuntu customizations yet. Still got to figure out how to customize Conky to my needs, add additional themes and etc.

For your conky, one place to be on the forums:
>>> The #1 conky thread... (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865) <<< (huge: about 4900 posts)
With great support from Bruce M., Kaivalagi, Etnicarus and a lot more 'conky-addicted' people.

Sand & Mercury
December 5th, 2008, 08:30 PM
Here's mine. Its simple as I'm not too familiar with Ubuntu customizations yet. Still got to figure out how to customize Conky to my needs, add additional themes and etc.
That's a beautiful wallpaper, any chance pointing me where you got it from?

December 6th, 2008, 01:12 AM
For your conky, one place to be on the forums:
>>> The #1 conky thread... (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865) <<< (huge: about 4900 posts)
With great support from Bruce M., Kaivalagi, Etnicarus and a lot more 'conky-addicted' people.

Thanks for the tip.

That's a beautiful wallpaper, any chance pointing me where you got it from?

Sure, you can find it on this site. Its three rows down in the middle column (to be exact). Alot of nice wallpapers on this site.


December 6th, 2008, 02:45 AM
Here's mine. Its simple as I'm not too familiar with Ubuntu customizations yet. Still got to figure out how to customize Conky to my needs, add additional themes and etc.

looks great! I used to use that wall a lot!

December 6th, 2008, 05:08 AM
Not sure about the colors yet and I think the widgets at the top right could use some color too.

Is that AwesomeWM? If so, can I get all the info? (configs, Xdefaults, etc)

December 6th, 2008, 02:28 PM
December is coming back to Gnome.

December 6th, 2008, 03:38 PM
http://xs434.xs.to/xs434/08496/screenshot255.jpg.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs434&d=08496&f=screenshot255.jpg)

December 6th, 2008, 06:02 PM
Here is my KDE.


December 6th, 2008, 09:51 PM
Openbox & GTK theme - Modded Mythos

December 6th, 2008, 10:44 PM
Once again, best desktop ever.

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08496/desktopchb5802.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08496&f=desktopchb5802.png)


Giant Speck
December 6th, 2008, 10:52 PM
OMG, Togepi. That is hawt.

Is that XP or Vista?

December 6th, 2008, 10:55 PM
Openbox & GTK theme - Modded Mythos

Sweet desktop

December 6th, 2008, 10:56 PM


Wallpaper: Somethin I made recently. Here: http://technology.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/26316/

Theme: KillBang Wow! (gnome-look.org)

Icons: Hydroxygen (gnome-look.org)

Pointer: Obsidian (gnome-look.org)

I'm also using wicd instead of network-manager.

December 6th, 2008, 11:15 PM
KDE 4.2 with Slim Glow Plasma theme. Wallpaper (http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/details/1678/walenstadtberg.html)

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3023/snapshot7fj7.th.png (http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot7fj7.png)

December 6th, 2008, 11:32 PM
OMG, Togepi. That is hawt.

Is that XP or Vista?

XP because my computer is 3 years old :(

December 6th, 2008, 11:38 PM
omg, i would go crazy looking at that lol

December 7th, 2008, 01:29 AM
Is that AwesomeWM? If so, can I get all the info? (configs, Xdefaults, etc)

Yes, it's awesome. It's a version of awesome-git that I compiled back in October, but I think the config should still work with current versions. You'll also need wicked-git installed.

I think I maybe got the config from gigamo (my theme is called gigamo-light) but I really don't remember to be perfectly honest.

Anyway, here's my .config/awesome and my .Xdefaults. If you need anything else feel free to ask. Also, the rc.lua has a few paths hardcoded in that you may need to change (I'm sure you know, I used your guide for awesome at one time). Also, I think awesome might crash if you don't have the artwiz fonts installed (or you can just change the font in the config)

December 7th, 2008, 02:28 AM
Been (too) busy for deskmodding

December 7th, 2008, 03:39 AM
raul_ what are the details on that one?

December 7th, 2008, 03:55 AM
Once again, best desktop ever.

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08496/desktopchb5802.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08496&f=desktopchb5802.png)


KDE 4.2 with Slim Glow Plasma theme. Wallpaper (http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/details/1678/walenstadtberg.html)

http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/3023/snapshot7fj7.th.png (http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot7fj7.png)

Link to wall, plz.

December 7th, 2008, 03:59 AM
Alright, new setup. It looks fairly similar to the old setup (http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6288108&postcount=26), but I like it!

Arch Linux x86_64

WM: Openbox
WM Theme: Arch Blue
Modified to my liking
GTK: Darker Theme
Icons: GNOME Brave
Wall: Trama Gray
Our Desktops: Desktop for User elmer_42 (http://www.ourdesktops.com/desktop_user.aspx?user=elmer_42)
http://arch.kimag.es/resized/38230145.png (http://arch.kimag.es/share/38230145.png)

Hyper Tails
December 7th, 2008, 04:03 AM
This is My desktop now

December 7th, 2008, 04:05 AM
Here's my attempt, it's pretty simple.

Default theme with a Dust titlebar twist ;)
Top panel image is from Futurelooks
Icons: Hydroxygen

December 7th, 2008, 04:06 AM
Hyper Tails: What's the details on your desktop? Looks like some interesting widgets/desklets/thingamabobbers

December 7th, 2008, 04:11 AM
Link to wall, plz.

Ummm.... you included the link to the wallpaper in your own post, when you quoted the original post (which included said link). :lol:

But for those with a short attention span.... what was I saying again? Oh yeah, here is the link:


December 7th, 2008, 04:19 AM
GTK/Metacity: Orbital
Icons: Ultimate Gnome
Wallpaper: Plastic Stripes from dA

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0216/Dec07.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0216/Dec07)

December 7th, 2008, 04:50 AM
Ummm.... you included the link to the wallpaper in your own post, when you quoted the original post (which included said link). :lol:

But for those with a short attention span.... what was I saying again? Oh yeah, here is the link:


Of course you realise, now I have to facepalm.jpg myself.


December 7th, 2008, 04:54 AM
Of course you realise, now I have to facepalm.jpg myself.

That's alright. Your cool avatar should grant you some leeway. :D

(From which of his various series is that one taken?)

December 7th, 2008, 05:02 AM
Here's my attempt, it's pretty simple.

Default theme with a Dust titlebar twist ;)
Top panel image is from Futurelooks
Icons: Hydroxygen

Nice one Joeb

chucky chuckaluck
December 7th, 2008, 05:04 AM
Ummm.... you included the link to the wallpaper in your own post, when you quoted the original post (which included said link). :lol:

But for those with a short attention span.... what was I saying again? Oh yeah, here is the link:


is that a golf course in the distance?

December 7th, 2008, 05:08 AM
is that a golf course in the distance?

Since it is in Switzerland, it is more likely to be ski trails.

chucky chuckaluck
December 7th, 2008, 05:15 AM
Since it is in Switzerland, it is more likely to be ski trails.

you're probably right. i thought it might have been crans sur sierre.

December 7th, 2008, 05:18 AM
you're probably right. i thought it might have been crans sur sierre.

Could be. I don't know Swiss geography, but the photographer states:
"This picture is taken from the Paxmal Temple above the city of Walenstadt in Switzerland." Perhaps that will help you figure it out.

Edit: After reading the wikipedia articles on both places, it doesn't seem like the two are anywhere close to each other.

December 7th, 2008, 05:20 AM
From which of his various series is that one taken?From the grey in his hair, I'm guessing Yes, Prime Minister.

December 7th, 2008, 05:23 AM




chucky chuckaluck
December 7th, 2008, 05:46 AM
Could be. I don't know Swiss geography, but the photographer states:
"This picture is taken from the Paxmal Temple above the city of Walenstadt in Switzerland." Perhaps that will help you figure it out.

Edit: After reading the wikipedia articles on both places, it doesn't seem like the two are anywhere close to each other.

if it were a golf course, that would be a lot of holes.

Giant Speck
December 7th, 2008, 09:30 AM
I decided to get a little creative and make a wallpaper to go with my theme, as well as completely alter my cairo-dock setup.

Notice that in the first screenshot, the trash applet is red (indicating full), and in the second it is green (indicating empty).

GTK: Manganite | Wallpaper: SpecKtacle | Font: MgOpen Cosmetica | Rhythmbox Desktop Art | Infobox Screenlets

December 7th, 2008, 09:44 AM
I decided to get a little creative and make a wallpaper to go with my theme, as well as completely alter my cairo-dock setup.

Notice that in the first screenshot, the trash applet is red (indicating full), and in the second it is green (indicating empty).

GTK: Manganite | Wallpaper: SpecKtacle | Font: MgOpen Cosmetica | Rhythmbox Desktop Art | Infobox Screenlets
With such a crisp theme, that font really isn't doing your system justice. Either adjust it's hinting or switch to a font which scales well at that size.

Like the dock's look, though.

December 7th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Background: San Gabriel Cyn Rd, Los Angeles County, CA; Aug 2004

Theme: Shiki Human
Icon Set: Human-O2
Fonts: Liberation Sans

December 7th, 2008, 11:28 AM
raul_ what are the details on that one?

KDEmod 4.1.3
Wallpaper from KDE-look : Stormy
Plasma theme: Slim glow
Fonts: Neutra Text SC
Plasmoids: Picture Frame and Weather
QT theme: Oxygen
Window decorations: Ozone

December 7th, 2008, 12:42 PM
link (http://vulkanyaz.deviantart.com/art/Desktop-07-12-2008-105657180)

December 7th, 2008, 01:54 PM
Nice one Joeb

Thanks :) I like it, though it's nowhere near as good as some of the desktops I've seen here :p

chucky chuckaluck
December 7th, 2008, 02:33 PM
openbox, conky.

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0785/miro-scr.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0785/miro-scr)

December 7th, 2008, 02:56 PM
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.5
wallpaper: none (http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/9562/1627gi9.jpg)
apps: X-Chat Aqua

Hooray for crappy cameras!
http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6729/dcfc0009xl7.th.jpg (http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6729/dcfc0009xl7.jpg)

I miss qalculate.

chucky chuckaluck
December 7th, 2008, 03:02 PM
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.5
wallpaper: none (http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/9562/1627gi9.jpg)
apps: X-Chat Aqua

Hooray for crappy cameras!
http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6729/dcfc0009xl7.th.jpg (http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6729/dcfc0009xl7.jpg)

I miss qalculate.

not tux's day, is it?

December 7th, 2008, 03:12 PM
OS: Mac OS X 10.5.5
wallpaper: none (http://img380.imageshack.us/img380/9562/1627gi9.jpg)
apps: X-Chat Aqua

Hooray for crappy cameras!
http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6729/dcfc0009xl7.th.jpg (http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/6729/dcfc0009xl7.jpg)

I miss qalculate.

I believe you're looking for the, "Post your workspace", thread.

December 7th, 2008, 03:21 PM
I had a hard time getting used to multiple taskbars and other Ubuntu specialties so I modified my installation to be more like Windows in its appearance.:p

Icon set: Hydroxygen (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/hydroxygen_iconset?content=88575)
Background: Tux G2 (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Tux+G2?content=39882)
Border style: Mythbuntu

http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/1451/screenshotcz4.th.png (http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/1451/screenshotcz4.png)

December 7th, 2008, 03:26 PM
I had a hard time getting used to multiple taskbars and other Ubuntu specialties so I modified my installation to be more like Windows in its appearance.:p

I sort of do the same thing. The Windows taskbar is one bit of design MS got right. Gnome's default layout is just wasteful and inefficient.

December 7th, 2008, 03:41 PM
I miss qalculate.
You scared me there for a second. I saw this part of your post first and was worried that qalculate had fallen out of development. I'm glad to see that it hasn't.

December 7th, 2008, 05:17 PM
Using Gnome for the first time in a very long time....

December 7th, 2008, 05:39 PM
Theme: Modded Dust Burnt, Ubuntu Studio icons, DMZ-Black cursors
Wallpaper: Somewhere in Croatia, taken by the fit girl in my Computing class :shock:
Apps: Conky, Terminal with Devilspie stripping window decoration

<tangent>If anyone knows how to make a multicoloured terminal, I'd be grateful. Or album art from Songbird on the desktop like Rhythmbox can do.</tangent>

December 7th, 2008, 05:49 PM
I seem to have drifted back to ROX.

GTK theme: Weightless industry
Icon theme: NouveXT
Wallpaper: Random choice made by ROX wallpaper applet

December 7th, 2008, 06:06 PM
Anyway, here's my .config/awesome and my .Xdefaults. If you need anything else feel free to ask. Also, the rc.lua has a few paths hardcoded in that you may need to change (I'm sure you know, I used your guide for awesome at one time). Also, I think awesome might crash if you don't have the artwiz fonts installed (or you can just change the font in the config)

Nevermind, it's all good. Thanks a lot man! It's gonna take some getting used to, the new lua configs are...odd.

chucky chuckaluck
December 7th, 2008, 06:52 PM
i guess this is what the alps would look like if they were in china (the orig. pic was 1500+ x 500).

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0190/chalps.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0190/chalps)

December 7th, 2008, 06:54 PM

GTK Theme: DarkRoom
Icon Theme: Ultimate Gnome
Wallpaper: Nova

December 7th, 2008, 07:19 PM
Just installed kde-4.2 beta, lookin pretty nice--fairly stable too

I'll be switching from gnome to kde when 4.2 is released ;)


Wallpaper...uhh I cant recall where

December 7th, 2008, 09:32 PM
Gnome with the KDE4 Oxygen style ('KDE4 Oxygen new port for GNOME') and icons ('hydroxygen_iconset'), and Iwona font (all from gnome-look (http://www.gnome-look.org/)).

December 7th, 2008, 09:44 PM
I sort of do the same thing. The Windows taskbar is one bit of design MS got right. Gnome's default layout is just wasteful and inefficient.

I agree, IMO there are several other things Microsoft got 'right' in their different operating systems.
My leaving Windows is not based as much on dislike of the program itself as it is a dislike for the company that produces it and their marketing strategies.

December 7th, 2008, 10:36 PM
Here's my entry for December.

Distro: Arch Linux
WM: Openbox
GTK: Shiki-Colors
OB THEME: Shiki (modified)
WALL: I always forget where I get my wallpapers...
APPS: Tint2, Conky, Thunar, xfce4-terminal, Sonata

December 7th, 2008, 11:23 PM
Everything found @ devaintart...

December 7th, 2008, 11:25 PM
Dust-Mac theme. I used the stuff from this page here.


Just added a little purple font to match the wallpaper.

Conky font is HandelGotDLig.

December 7th, 2008, 11:47 PM
Dust-Mac theme. I used the stuff from this page here.


Just added a little purple font to match the wallpaper.

Conky font is HandelGotDLig.

I like those emerald buttons.

December 8th, 2008, 12:32 AM
I agree, IMO there are several other things Microsoft got 'right' in their different operating systems.
My leaving Windows is not based as much on dislike of the program itself as it is a dislike for the company that produces it and their marketing strategies.

...um, okay. >.>

December 8th, 2008, 12:46 AM
Theme: Modded Dust Burnt, Ubuntu Studio icons, DMZ-Black cursors
Wallpaper: Somewhere in Croatia, taken by the fit girl in my Computing class :shock:
Apps: Conky, Terminal with Devilspie stripping window decoration

<tangent>If anyone knows how to make a multicoloured terminal, I'd be grateful. Or album art from Songbird on the desktop like Rhythmbox can do.</tangent>

Can you please post your conkyrc, I'm interested in how you incorporated songbird into it.

December 8th, 2008, 12:51 AM
Gtk2: Human
Metacity: Romina Thin
Icons: Human
Font: Sans (default Ubuntu)


December 8th, 2008, 12:51 AM
Can you please post your conkyrc, I'm interested in how you incorporated songbird into it.

I don't know how he's doing it, but I wrote a python script for that. See this thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=925555). You have to install the dbusbird extension.

December 8th, 2008, 02:29 AM
Distro: Kubuntu 8.10 running KDE 4.2 Beta 1
Font: Candara
Theme: Bespin rev. 336 w/ Kwin decoration tweaked to my preference :)
Cursor: Oxygen Black
Wallpaper: Hmmm, sorry I don't remember.
Other: Using KDE 4.1 Oxygen panel image, changed Kickoff icon to the nifty Oxygen inspired Kubuntu logo

December 8th, 2008, 02:59 AM
Link (http://www.vulomedia.com/images/62499Screenshot.png)

December 8th, 2008, 04:03 AM
I don't know how he's doing it, but I wrote a python script for that. See this thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=925555). You have to install the dbusbird extension.

awesome, thanks :)

December 8th, 2008, 04:14 AM
Intrepid with CrossOver Running MS Office 2007.
Compiz Snow Falling in back ground, much better that real snow! ;-)

Also MS Vista SP1 under VirtBox on another desktop

December 8th, 2008, 04:21 AM
http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/5297/archms9.th.png (http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/5297/archms9.png)

http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8529/arch2ag3.th.png (http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/8529/arch2ag3.png)

Was testing Arch's memory usage in a VM, compared to ubuntu-minimal. Once you get past the fact that Arch couldn't automatically configure it's way out of a paper bag, the results are quite staggering.

Giant Speck
December 8th, 2008, 04:39 AM
With such a crisp theme, that font really isn't doing your system justice. Either adjust it's hinting or switch to a font which scales well at that size.

Like the dock's look, though.

Well, I tried to change my hinting settings, but it didn't look like it actually changed anything. I even downloaded the proprietary font that MgOpen Cosmetica is based off of, Optima, and that looked worse.

Which part of the screen were you looking at when you made the comment about the font: the window, the screenlets, or the dock? Because I don't know if the system font hinting settings affect screenlets, and the buttons in the dock are pictures, not actual rendered text, so they show up blurry.

It could be my screen resolution... the height is only 800 pixels. The same thing pretty much occurs with every font I have at 9 pixel font size.

December 8th, 2008, 04:48 AM
Well, I tried to change my hinting settings, but it didn't look like it actually changed anything. I even downloaded the proprietary font that MgOpen Cosmetica is based off of, Optima, and that looked worse.

Which part of the screen were you looking at when you made the comment about the font: the window, the screenlets, or the dock? Because I don't know if the system font hinting settings affect screenlets, and the buttons in the dock are pictures, not actual rendered text, so they show up blurry.

It could be my screen resolution... the height is only 800 pixels. The same thing pretty much occurs with every font I have at 9 pixel font size.

Pretty much all the text looks blurry here. Perhaps the font size is the issue, perhaps the font is, perhaps your DPI settings are. Regardless, it's not a big issue, it just detracts from the look of your system.

December 8th, 2008, 04:48 AM
Well, I tried to change my hinting settings, but it didn't look like it actually changed anything. I even downloaded the proprietary font that MgOpen Cosmetica is based off of, Optima, and that looked worse.

Which part of the screen were you looking at when you made the comment about the font: the window, the screenlets, or the dock? Because I don't know if the system font hinting settings affect screenlets, and the buttons in the dock are pictures, not actual rendered text, so they show up blurry.

It could be my screen resolution... the height is only 800 pixels. The same thing pretty much occurs with every font I have at 9 pixel font size.

Be a man go to 8 px fonts :p :D

December 8th, 2008, 05:32 AM
Home made g-eyes and teeth-cons...

chucky chuckaluck
December 8th, 2008, 05:35 AM
@etnlIcarus, i'm not sure why you find arch to have a "mind numbing installation process" (maybe installing it in a virtual machine is a different story). i took almost all the automatic configuration options and found it pretty simple.

this is dwm, htop and urxvt, with a tasteful wallpaper.

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0396/arch-dwm.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0396/arch-dwm)

December 8th, 2008, 05:44 AM
this is dwm, htop and urxvt, with a tasteful wallpaper.

Nice, although I've been leaning towards mrxvt lately.

December 8th, 2008, 05:45 AM
@etnlIcarus, i'm not sure why you find arch to have a "mind numbing installation process" (maybe installing it in a virtual machine is a different story). i took almost all the automatic configuration options and found it pretty simple.

this is dwm, htop and urxvt, with a tasteful wallpaper.

http://e.imagehost.org/t/0396/arch-dwm.jpg (http://e.imagehost.org/view/0396/arch-dwm)

I took almost all the automatic configuration options, then had to scour the Arch wiki and forums to fix all the stuff it screwed up. I started installing it last night and it took until this afternoon before I had a working graphical environment.

December 8th, 2008, 05:49 AM
I took almost all the automatic configuration options, then had to scour the Arch wiki and forums to fix all the stuff it screwed up. I started installing it last night and it took until this afternoon before I had a working graphical environment.
What was screwed up? VMs usually have fairly nondescript hardware requirements, and it's not too complicated of a process...

/me wonders if this should be split to the Arch subforum

December 8th, 2008, 05:50 AM
Shiki-Colors is just too great.

http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08490/2008-12-07-233554_1280x800_scrot605.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08490&f=2008-12-07-233554_1280x800_scrot605.png) http://xs234.xs.to/xs234/08490/2008-12-07-233930_1280x800_scrot460.png.xs.jpg (http://xs.to/xs.php?h=xs234&d=08490&f=2008-12-07-233930_1280x800_scrot460.png)

Giant Speck
December 8th, 2008, 06:07 AM
Pretty much all the text looks blurry here. Perhaps the font size is the issue, perhaps the font is, perhaps your DPI settings are. Regardless, it's not a big issue, it just detracts from the look of your system.

Well, I can't figure it out. So I'm going to blame it on my screen resolution and be done with it. I think it looks fine. :)

Be a man go to 8 px fonts :p :D

And not be able to see my text? No way!

December 8th, 2008, 06:24 AM
I took almost all the automatic configuration options, then had to scour the Arch wiki and forums to fix all the stuff it screwed up. I started installing it last night and it took until this afternoon before I had a working graphical environment.

I admire your persistence. I got Arch installed and booted to a functioning command line, but the package manager refused to work; had internet access (could ping other sites) and could access the chosen mirror from the other computer. Scoured the Arch sites for about an hour then went back to Debian.

Anyhow: Xubuntu 8.10, Openbox, tint2 and some slightly new conkies. Finally got around to setting up lm-sensors.

December 8th, 2008, 06:28 AM
Clearlooks GTK & Openbox theme
Wallpaper from Interfacelift with the name of 01437_christmaslighthouse_1280x1024.jpg
Eikon icon theme

http://omploader.org/tenpi (http://omploader.org/venpi) http://omploader.org/tenpj (http://omploader.org/venpj)

December 8th, 2008, 06:31 AM
I admire your persistence. I got Arch installed and booted to a functioning command line, but the package manager refused to work; had internet access (could ping other sites) and could access the chosen mirror from the other computer. Scoured the Arch sites for about an hour then went back to Debian.

Arch, was the first Linux distro I ever used. I had X and the package manager working almost immediately after install. I had no idea what I was doing though, and in the end my system was a mess, so I used Ubuntu for a few months to learn how to do things, then I went distro hopping and ended up back on Arch. Got it working the first try when I went back :).

Anyway, your package manager may not have been working because you probably didn't select a mirror properly on install. If you didn't you have to go into /etc/pacman.d/ and there will be a file for each repo, containing a list of all the mirrors. Uncomment a mirror for each one, then run pacman -Syu and it will create /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.

Yeah, that happened to me before.

December 8th, 2008, 06:36 AM
Shiki-Colors is just too great.

Nice desktop
& melt banana<3