View Full Version : [SOLVED] C++: array length... low level, vector?

October 15th, 2008, 04:54 PM

I working on an app that takes different arguments (int argc, char *argv[]). The problem I'm having, is getting the length of argv - number of items/arguments in it. I' have tried doing both these things, but either return 4, even though i'm only passing 2 (including argv[0]) or 3 arguments.

int i = ( sizeof( argv ) / sizeof ( char )); // 4


vector <char> arl;
arl.push_back ( argv );
int i = arl.size(); // 4

Where am I going wrong?

October 15th, 2008, 04:59 PM
Why don't you just use argc? That's exactly what it is.

October 15th, 2008, 05:01 PM
Omg, why haven't i thought of that! Embarrasing, it is.

But I would still like to know why my methods doesn't work?

October 15th, 2008, 05:25 PM
argv is a pointer to a char array. Pointers on your machine must be 4 bytes (32 bits). Even if you asked for the size of argv[n], you would still get 4, since argv[n] is a pointer to where in memory the char array starts, and again pointers are 4 bytes on your machine.

October 15th, 2008, 05:29 PM
Ahh, yeah, but what confused me, and still does, is that &argv doesn't work either, which actually was my main try out, but since it had the same result as without the ambersand, I've let it slip my mind.

October 15th, 2008, 06:04 PM
On the use of sizeof (C++, don't know if this is precise in C)

When applied to a type will give you the space requirements of the data type.

std::cout << sizeof(int); // 4 with 32 bit integers
std::cout << sizeof(char); // 1
std::cout << sizeof(int*); // 4 in x32 architectures, 8 in x64

When applied to a variable it will give you the size that the variable takes in memory, which for arrays it is the size of the data type times the number of elements:

int a;
int ar[100];
int *ap = new int[100];

std::cout << sizeof(a); // 4, same as sizeof(int)
std::cout << sizeof(ar); // 400, 100 x sizeof(int)
std::cout << sizeof(ap); // 4 / 8, same as sizeof(int*)
std::cout << sizeof(*ap); // 4, same as sizeof(int) as *ap is just the first int

In the case of the pointer, the variable is not the data pointed (100 int elements) but the pointer itself, whose space requirements are just 4/8 bytes (32/64 bit architectures)

In the case of complex types, the space requirements of the structure / class may be higher than the sum of the sizes of the elements due to alignment issues:

struct T // 64 bits architecture, g++3.4 with default options
char a; // 1
int b; // 4
char c; // 1
int* d; // 8
struct T2
int a; // 4
int b; // 4
int main()
std::cout << sizeof(T); // 24!!!
std::cout << sizeof(T2); // 8

Back to the original issue of how argv is used. The first parameter, argc, is the number of elements in the array. There is also a warranty that the argv array of pointers has argc + 1 elements, the last of which is 0 (NULL), so you can ignore argc and just iterate --not that it is worth it.

$ myprogram arg1 "another arg"
argc: 3
argv -> [ xxxx ] -> "myprogram"
[ xxxx ] -> "arg1"
[ xxxx ] -> "another arg"
[ 0 ]

argv points to an array of pointers (xxxx) whose elements point to C strings containing the program name and arguments. An extra pointer is allocated at the end of argv array and gets 0 as value.

October 15th, 2008, 06:20 PM
Ahh, that actually makes sense. And thank you for explaining it so concrete!

I actually found another way, by using vector instead of an array, and it works much easier. Still thanks, though. Didn't know that was how sizeof() worked.