View Full Version : Pipelines in scripts

October 10th, 2008, 04:58 PM
I have this peculiar desire to write my own scripts using the shell programming language, python or c... I'm doing alright actually, except for one thing-
I can't seem to find a way to handle the information that is passed throught pipelines.
(ie: cat hello_world | capitalized.py)

Can you tell me how to do it in each language? (btw, I do work on ubuntu)

October 10th, 2008, 05:09 PM
i believe that variables passed to a python script are stored as a list in: argv


argv[1] = the first thing passed, in that case, Hello_World

October 10th, 2008, 05:21 PM
i believe that variables passed to a python script are stored as a list in: argv


argv[1] = the first thing passed, in that case, Hello_World

Arguments can be accessed this way, but by doing a cat arq | prog, you are redirecting the output of `cat arq` to the input of the script, thus you can access the content reading from the stdin.

October 10th, 2008, 05:55 PM
echo hello |tr a-z A-Z


echo hello |upcase.pl



October 10th, 2008, 06:09 PM
When you pipe something to your program, you are replacing stdin of your program with stdout of the program at the left of the pipe. When you don't use a pipe, then stdin is read from the keyboard. Consider the following script sum.bash:


while read line; do
for number in $line; do
(( sum += line ))

echo "Sum is: $sum"

First run it by itself:

~$ chmod +x sum.bash
~$ ./sum.bash

At this point your looking at a blank line. The while loop is waiting to read some data, type in something:

~$ chmod +x sum.bash
~$ ./sum.bash
1 2 3 5
Sum is: 11

The ^D means I hit Ctrl+d, which will tell the read command that this is the end of file (file being stdin in this case)

Now lets use echo to give the same data through a pipe. The script will return "instantly" with the sum.

~$ echo 1 2 3 5 | ./sum.bash
Sum is: 11