View Full Version : [gnome] Configuring windows / applications to always open on a Virtual Desktop / Workspace

September 28th, 2008, 10:33 PM
I want my applications to open where I leave them.

I run 8-12 virtual desktops / workspaces at a time, all with their own associated documents, browser windows and applications. It is a gigantic pain in the butt to have to re-arrange these windows / applications each time I restart.

This topic has been mentioned several times on these forums:

how can I assign applications to ALWAYS run in a specific workspace? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=756944)
Desktop presets, save, restore custom desktop states (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=826464)
Starting an application on a virtual desktop, how do I do? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15872)
Who uses workspaces? (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-102621.html)
Gnome workspaces, and applicaton launching on login... (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-240131.html)

All of which have no satisfactory answers. The answers contained in the posts point to WindowMatching with Compiz Fusion (http://wiki.compiz-fusion.org/WindowMatching) and Devil's Pie (http://burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie), both of which are overly complicated solutions for controlling the behavior of windows on the desktop; But neither of which provides an out of the box solution for the question at hand. Both of which would require hacking and significant tinkering, which makes them solutions of last resort.

I understand that Mac OSX can do something similar.

So my question:

How can I easily save and restore the placement and behavior of open windows across multiple virtual desktops through a log off, restart or application restart?

September 29th, 2008, 05:29 AM
I think devilspie can do something like that. http://burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie

November 27th, 2008, 03:36 PM
That's what I've been looking for in years. Hopefully somebody finds a way to get it to work, because the current situation is a big drawback productivity and ergonomy-wise. It's like the desktop has been designed by people that never used anything else than Windows in their whole life, and don't understand what virtual desktops are for.